Walker Hawks profile picture

Walker Hawks

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

So.. I'm pretty much tired of trying to be someone im not and always on the ball to try to impress someone. I think i'm better off just being me, although people say it everyday i never really realized it. I guess it makes sense... why try to get good at being someone your not when you're the best at being you? I'm gonna spill it out to you, uncut, unedited, straight up... I wrestle for WHS, varsity this year at 145 and 152. I'm a defenseman for the WHS LAX team. I'm fairly new at being a christian.. a year or two, but I love God all the same for what he is and what hes done. I make good grades but i'm worried about getting into college and being at college itself. I'm in love with women, as much as I make sexist jokes with no intent to harm, I think they are gorgeous and that we couldn't do without them. I believe in hard work and that with determination, you can get anywhere, trust me i've been in that situation. God works miracles, believe it, trust me i've been in that situation too. Never judge a person on first sight, NEVER.. people i didn't like to begin with turned out to be some of the greatest people I've met. I make friends easy, of all colors, financial status, age, you name it. I try to be fair all the time but I know my flaws, im not perfect. I tend to help others before myself because it makes me feel good, keep in mind i said 'tend to'. On that note I leave you with this... "In these circles, wrestlers are equal competitors, paired by pounds. Class, race, ethnicity and wealth carry no weight against brute strength and a survivor's soul."
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My Interests

Lacrosse, Paintball, Movies, God, Wrestling, Chattin, Just lovin life in General

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ, The Powell Brothers, Syracuse LAX team, Team USA lacrosse, Team USA wrestling


I listen to about everythingworst blowjob

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Gladiator, V for Vendetta, Shooter, 300, and way more


The Office, hands down the office. jim and dwight mocking each other

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Meet my wife:


Brooks Conway