I will Always remember the good times together!!! You'll forever be in my heart my sweet Angel. R.I.P. Rafa! We miss and Love you!
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Courtesy of SparkleTags.comMe in a nut shell..I'm a Georgia Peach, Born and raised in Atlanta, I've got Italian in my blood so beware! I am not shy but tenderhearted. I want to be a Dental Hygientist someday soon. I love Bacardi! My favorite drinks include Sex on the Beach and Strawberry Daquiri's. I have an obsession with "Fox Racing" , "Coach" and Victoria's Secret. I absolutely adore the color PINK!!! Can't you tell???? On another note, I've been blessed by God with two precious gifts (my boys).. I am looking to meet new people that are down to earth and free of drama. I am the easiest person to get along with, but not very trusting of anyone. I have had a lot of so called "friends" backstab me and hurt me the wrong way so I am very particular about who I get close to or let get close to me and my family. I have been dealt a lot of shit in my life but my kids are my strength and they are the reason that I wake up every morning.
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