Im Richie/rich/not richard/possibly dick/rarely ricky. I am a music junky, thats what i live for and plan on doing for the rest of my life. I play drums and guitar for a youth group. I go to seneca now its cool, its changed me alot as a person. Im much more relaxed than i used to be. I dont really fit in with a group of people, ikinda just have friends here and there. No one ever fully understands me and no one ever will. I hate gossip so much. Stupid rumors and which girl is sucking which dick is not my concern. I dont know if my life has been the best but it hasnt been the worst. There is nothing that offends me and nothing that i see as wrong or disturbing. Thats why i write such awful violent horrible, morally and politally unexceptable stories but alot of people think there funny so... doesnt matter. If you wanna jam or have some good band for me to check out or something let me know.