Benjamin Alexander Wells
Im the girl that wants her fairy tale ending. shes worked so hard to get. but sometimes it feels like everything falls apart. i love you and only you, maybe i am insecure and i do have my own problems but i want you to know that you are my number one priority always i will do anything for you. i will give up my life for you and i hope you love me just as much to do the same. we've definatly had some rough times, but baby, baby with you i always want to work it out. you have made me the person i am today. and so many times i have came to you when i needed someone the most. i could have gone to anyone but you were who i decided. you are always who i decide to go to and its you who i decide to be with. no one else. no one else baby. i cant express really into words just how much you mean to me. but i can promise you, anyone who really knows me, knows that you are my life. i want to spend every waking minute with you. we always have fun together no matter what we're doing. weather your golfing and im goofing around, or if your cooking spagetti and meatballs/meat sauce for me we always have a blast. some people say we may spend too much time together but when im with you thats the only time i truly feel safe. yeaa baby, with you im safe. its going on three years but it feels like 3 months. there is still so much we have to learn about each other. and over the years i cant wait. i love hearing about your day at work. i love when you come up behind me and wrap your arms around me. i love running up to you when your all sweaty and dirty and jumping in your arms. i love every minute i spend with you and dont you ever forget thats its you i choose. i love you prince charming
i'm not afraid to fall; it means i've climbed too high. Either way it shows at least i've tried.