Narmada Solidarity Worldwide profile picture

Narmada Solidarity Worldwide

About Me

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**NEW** We are now on Facebook too. Just type in 'Narmada Solidarity' in the search box at the top left of your profile, and join our group.INTRODUCTION:
The construction of large dams on the River Narmada in central India and its impact on millions of people living in the river valley has become one of the most important social issues in contemporary India.
Through this website, 'Narmada Solidarity Worldwide' aims to widen the reach of the 'Friends of the River Narmada', and in doing so promote solidarity and awareness about the situation in the valley.
Please note:
For a detailed, up-to-date analysis of the situation in the valley, please also visit the 'Friends of the River Narmada' website:

The controversy over large dams on the River Narmada has come to symbolise the struggle for a just and equitable society in India.
The story is long and complicated and will take a long time to tell. In brief, the Government's plan is to build 30 large, 135 medium and 3000 small dams to harness the waters of the Narmada and its tributaries.
The proponents of the dam claim that this plan would provide large amounts of water and electricity which are desperately required for the purposes of development.Opponents of the dam question the basic assumptions of the Narmada Valley Development Plan and believe that its planning is unjust and inequitous and the cost-benefit analysis is grossly inflated in favour of building the dams.
It is well established that the plans rest on untrue and unfounded assumptions of hydrology and seismicity of the area and the construction is causing large scale abuse of human rights and displacement of many poor and underprivileged communities.
They also believe that water and energy can be provided to the people of the Narmada Valley, Gujarat and other regions through alternative technologies and planning processes which can be socially just and economically and environmentally sustainable.We recognise the complexity of the issues involved. However, once one cuts through all the rhetoric, lies and subterfuge of the vested interests, the gross inequities are clear.
Large numbers of poor and underprivileged communities (mostly tribals and dalits) are being dispossessed of their livelihood and even their ways of living to make way for dams being built on the basis of incredibly dubious claims of common benefit and "national interest". For us, this is simply immoral and therefore unacceptable.
No purported benefits can be used to justify the denial of the fundamental rights of individuals in a democratic society.
And given the evidence of past megadam schemes in India and elsewhere and what has already happened in the Narmada Valley, we believe that the promised benefits will never be realised.
...In simple terms, the struggle over the river Narmada holds a mirror to our national face and challenges our commitment to professed ideals of justice, equality and democracy.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


-The NBA is fighting tooth and nail in court, to stop the dams (3,000 in total) being raised any higher.
-The NBA is also in touch with various government ministers, and is petitioning them to address the issue -along with others such as water privatisation in general- in a more realistic way.
-The NBA is also providing basic accommodation, schools, and food for those who have been forced from their land and have nowhere to go.
-Other non-profit organisations, such as Narmada Solidarity UK, are holding information evenings and showing documentaries about the issue, in various countries throughout the world.
-Medha Patkar and the NBA are also members of the National Alliance of People's Movements, (NAPM). The NAPM is a coalition of Indian NGO's from exploited or vulnerable communities. They are working towards getting the plight of rural India taken seriously by the Indian Government. -Various other activities are taking place to indirectly support the NBA -for example, volunteers from different countries can visit the NBA office and help out in any way they can. They can also undergo research projects from overseas. -Narmada Solidarity UK member Billy Macrae is currently in India, working alongside the NBA. For more information, please visit his myspace:

-Large meetings, such as the Action 2007 rally in Delhi, represent fora at which issues like this can be discussed. The NBA had a large presence at this rally, and here are some photos from it:BELOW: A VIDEO OF REAL FOOTAGE FROM THE FIRST ACTION 2007 RALLY OUTSIDE THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT HQ. (This video features NAPM and NBA members, -including NBA leader Medha Patkar- entering government buildings in New Delhi, campaigning within the building to the surprise of officials, and subsequently being arrested. Medha and others were then imprisoned for four days.)SOME PHOTOS FROM THE ACTION 2007 RALLY, DELHI, MARCH 2007:
Above: The crowd at the first Action 2007 rally.Above: The main discussion tent at Action 2007. (Please also see Above: Medha Patkar (centre left) negotiates with the police during an Action 2007 rally.Above: Protesters get their point across during the enormous "Human chain" rally, at Action 2007. Above: The Indian press follow the NBA leader Medha Patkar, as she takes part in the human chain rally.THE BOTTOM LINE: The Bottom line is that WE WILL NOT GIVE UP.
As long as there are human rights violations being carried out in the Narmada Valley, and as long as the Indian Government can come up with no real explanation as to why thousands of acres of forest, an ancient, holy river, and valley after valley of precious Indian villages should be destroyed, we will continue to oppose the dams. If you believe in these things, please join us. Thank you.Below: Youth against poverty- another organisation well worth checking out.

My Blog

Narmada images available on Billy Macrae’s blog

Hello all,This is a note to let you know that the photographer Billy Macrae,who visited the valley last year to work alongside the NBA, has put anextended edit of images from the Narmada Valley on his...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 04:25:00 GMT

Human rights abuses at Nandigram, north India

The situation at Nandigram hello all, if you are not aware of the situation at Nandigram, please have a read of the following report. In brief, two months ago the Government in West Bengal forcib...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 04:30:00 GMT

Another (small) victory in the Narmada Valley

Hello all,This is a quick update, to let you know that there has been a smallbut important victory by the NBA (Narmada Bachao Andolan)in the Narmada valley.You may be aware that Medha and 90 or so oth...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 13:27:00 GMT

Upcoming Tribunal on the World Bank, New Delhi, 21-24 Sept 2007

Are you currently in India?Do you have an interest in the effects of the World Bank on the Indian people?If so, you may be interested in attending the Tribunal in Delhi, as described below.Speakers in...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 09:20:00 GMT

Narmada Solidarity Worldwide on Facebook

Hello all,If you have a profile on facebook, why not join our groupand help spread the word.Just type in 'Narmada' in the search box at the top left of the page,and our Facebook group should come up.T...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 16:47:00 GMT

Please sign the anti- 'State repression of NBA activists' petition

Below is an e-mail regarding the fact that a massive amount of NBAactivists are still in jail in Madhya Pradesh.Please follow the link and sign the petition if you have a moment.- - - - - - - - - - - ...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:47:00 GMT


Urgent Action alert from the NBA:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Dear Friends/Comrades,   This evening, 25th July 2007, a huge police force has descended u...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:34:00 GMT

Portraits from the struggle in the Narmada valley

Photographer Billy Macrae recently visited the Narmada Valley,and worked  alongside the  NBA from December 06 - Jun 07.A selection of these portraits can be viewed at his website forthis par...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:56:00 GMT

Report of NBA case being dropped in 'Newspost India'

Here is the official 'Newspost India' report on the court caseagainst Medha and the NBA being dropped.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 09:56:00 GMT

Case against Narmada Bachao Andolan thrown out of court

This is a press release issued today, confirming that the pointless law-suitsbeing filed against the NBA by another NGO have been thrown out of court.At last.The NBA has been dogged by dodgy allegatio...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 08:24:00 GMT