***StAr_DuSt**** profile picture


Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside

About Me

I'm a nice person really tho I can be a witch if I need to be so you better talk to me right or ur going to hear a mouth full..I dont take crap from anyone..I feel you should treat me the way you wanna be treated and if you wanna be treated good then treat me good....I'm a fun out going girl I am always on the go tho lately I've been trying to stay home a lil more I need to have more ME time lol..I like to just go out and have fun doing anything really as long as i'm with good people it dose not matter what I am doing...I love ot try new things and love to meet new people when ever I can..anyways message me for more info.


Name is Talya
Birthday is May 13.1983
Birthplace is Russia
Current Location is Florida
Eye Color is Blue
Hair Color is Blonde
Height is 5'6
Right Handed or Left Handed is right
Your Heritage is Russian/Scottish/Armenian
Type of Shoes You Wear is Flip Flops,Runners
Your Weakness is chocolate
Your Fears is not being loved
Your Perfect Pizza is Tomato,Onion,Mushroom,Olives,green peppers
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year is to save more money
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger is yeah so true
Thoughts First Waking Up is cant i sleep more lol
Your Best Physical Feature is boobs
Your Bedtime is weeksnite 12 or 1 weekends when the sun comes up haha
Your Most Missed Memory is being in cali
Pepsi or Coke Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King both
Single or Group Dates both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocalate
Cappuccino or Coffee COFFEE
Do you Smoke no
Do you Swear yea when I'm mad or drunk
Do you Sing yes
Do you Shower Daily oh my yes
Have you Been in Love yes or i thought I was
Do you want to go to College no I've gone
Do you want to get Married sure someday
Do you belive in yourself yes i so alot
Do you get Motion Sickness at times
Do you think you are Attractive yes sometimes
Are you a Health Freak sometimes
Do you get along with your Parents yes I'm daddys lil gurl
Do you like Thunderstorms yess
Do you play an Instrument noo
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol yes
In the past month have you Smoked nooo
In the past month have you been on Drugs yes for a really bad cold
In the past month have you gone on a Date yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos yes
In the past month have you eaten Sushi nope
In the past month have you been on Stage nope
In the past month have you been Dumped yes
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything omg no
Ever been Drunk yes
Ever been called a Tease yes
Ever been Beaten up only for fun with the friends haha
Ever Shoplifted noo
What do you want to be when you Grow Up I am growin up haha
What country would you most like to Visit Paris
Favourite Eye Color Brown

In a Boy/Girl...

Favourite Hair Color Brown
Short or Long Hair short
Height dont matter
Weight Average I guess
Best Clothing Style anything hot haha
Number of Drugs I have taken none I dont do drugs
Number of CDs I own not sure
Number of Piercings ears
Number of Tattoos 1
Number of things in my Past I Regret many

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My Interests

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DaNcInG~WoRkInG-OuT~TaNnInG~SwImMiNg~cLuBbInG~ShOpPiNg~bOaTi Ng~bEiNg wItH FrIeNdS~FaMiLy~mOvIeS~Tv~sLeEpInG~EaTiNg~gOiNg tO ThE BeAcH~MuSiC~SiNgInG~TrAvElInG~MiNi gOlFiNg~bOwLiNg 50 short questions Survey!

Sleep with or without clothes on? off most nights
Prefer black or blue pens? Blue
Dress up on Halloween? yes
Like to travel? I love it
Like Someone? yes
Do they know? I dont think they do
Who sleeps with you every night? nodody
Think you're attractive?
Want to get married? Um..yeah someday
To: dont know
Are you a good student? yeah I was most of the time
Are you currently happy? yes I am very happy
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? yeah
Birthplace? Russia
Christmas or Halloween? Christmas
Colored or black-and-white photo? Colored
Do long distance relationships work? sometimes depends on the people
Do you believe in astrology? um..kinda
Do you believe in love at first sight? yeah I do
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? omg yes do I ever
Do you drink? yeah sometimes to much
Do you make fun of people? nooo not really
Do you think dreams eventually come true? yeah I belive they do
Favorite fictional character? none
Go to the movies or rent? going to the movies
Have you ever moved? yeah
Have you ever stolen anything? yeh
How's the weather right now? kinda sunny
Last time you cut your hair? 2 months ago
Last person you talked to on the phone? Dani
Last time you showered? 20 mins ago
Loud or soft music? both just depends on my mood
Mcdonalds or Burger King? Both
Night or day? Both
Number of pillows? 2
Piano or guitar? guitar
Future job? dont know dude!
Current job? Dental Office
Current love? Strawberry smoothies
Current longing? what??
Current disappointment? just found out my dad is not coming to see me:*(
Current annoyance? Girls out side yelling
Last thing you ate? Apple
Last thing you bought? Camputer Chair
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? Going to Mexico
What are you hearing right now? the tv and still the girls yelling out side
Plans for the weekend? just taking its easy around here
What did you do today? nothing yet I..'m on my way in to work in about 15 mins
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? It..'s really good to hear your voice say my name
Pick a movie quote? The only way to have a friend is to be one

Click here to take more cool surveys
Whats your sex style?

Romantic Sex Style
You like to take it slow, lots of kissing and touching. Just like in a Chick flick... takes the girls away! At best when you are in love with your sex partner, and if not...they will be!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

I'd like to meet:

People that are nice!Molly&Penny

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GwEn sTeFaNi~jAnEt jAcKsOn~bRiTnEy sPeArS~TiMbErLaNd~aKoN~BeYoNcE~ChRiStInA AgUiLeRa~cIaRa~fRaNkY J~NeLlY FuRtAdO~SeAn pAuL~UsHeR~ShAnIa tWaIn~rIhAnNa~jEsSiCa sImPsOn~dAnNy wOoD~ShAkIrA~RaScAlL FlAtTs~pArIs hIlToN~JoAnNa~jOrDaN KnIgHt~mAsSaRi~lOnEsTaR~BrIaN AdAmS~CaSsIe~jOeY McInTyRe aNd aLoT MoRe


BrInG It oN~BrInG It oN AgAiN~BrInG It oN AlL Or nOtHiNg~fLiCkA~StEp uP~ThE PeRfEcT MaN,CeNtEr sTaGe~50 FrIsT DaTeS~DiRtY DaNcInG~wAlK ThE LiNe~hArRy pOtTeR~SaW 2 AnD SaW 3


7tH HeAvEn~gIlMoRe gIrLs~tHe hIlLs,aMeRiCaN IdOl~lAgUnA BeAcH~ReAl wOrLd~cSi~mIaMi iNk~tHe sUrReAl lIfE~ cSi mIaMi~ AmErIcA'S NeXt tOp mOdEl~tHe oC~ tHiRd wAtCh cAn't bElIeVe tHeY EnDeD It.rErUnS R So gOoD ThO~ lAw & oRdEr~bOoMtOwN CaNt bElIvE ThEy eNdEd tHaT OnE AlSo tHo tHe bOx sEtS RoCk


HaRrY PoTtEr~lOvE StOrIeS~GhOsT StOrIeS


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