Working out in the gym, reading, meditating, spending time with my family, hanging out and meeting people.
Sidney Poitier, DR Wayne W. Dyer, Judith, Orloff M.D., Samuel Jackson, Nia Long, Coco (from SWV), Monica Calhoun, Tracy Ellis Ross, Vijay Singh, Brian Mcknight, Corrin Bailey Rae, The Game, Al Green, Dave Chapelle, Uma Thurman, Ashanti, Jamie Foxx, Rakim, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Gordon Liu, Tamia, Debra Wilson, Michael McDonald, (the whole Mad TV cast, past and present)But really I want to meet Debra.This is a work in progress here...
Old school Jams, I am very selective with my rap that I buy but will listen to any on the radio, some rock, traditional jazz, blues.
I like nearly all movies.
Nature shows, documentaries, westerns, golf, Spurs basketball.
The Power of intention, Positive Energy, any Star Wars books, Dean Knootz, James Allen writings.
Anyone who has not only overcome or transended problems in life but also have conquered themselves for this is the true enemy.