Welllll... I would love to meet The Apostle, Paul. I got my middle name from him. It would be cooler than the other side of the pillow to sail out on a Missionary journey with Paul. I really want to draw cartoons with Walt Disney, "jam in the name of the Lord" with Bob Marley, perform at the Iridium club with Les Paul, lay hands on a sick person with Smith Wigglesworth, swap jokes with Brian Regan, discuss faith & doubt over cigars & brandy with C.S. Lewis, absorb wisdom from King Solomon, get a tatoo from Sailor Jerry, take a guitar lesson from Stevie Ray Vaughn, rock on the front porch in The Blue Ridge Mts. with Billy Graham, walk to Bethlehem with Joseph (Jesus' earthly daddy) & get the unmentioned details of that original journey straight from his mouth, select new Motown hits with Barry Gordy, go to a Luau with Shag & Gil Elvgren (my two favorite Artists), co-write a new song with Paul McCartney, travel Africa with Bono, ask my Grandpa Dave what my dad was "really like " when he was a little boy, swap stories with Donald Miller, worship our Creator with David Crowder, fry-me-up some Pollo with Colonel Sanders, play catch with Nolan Ryan, eat a PB&B sammich with ELVIS, attend a costume party with Johnny Depp, design an All-Star shoe with Chuck Taylor, stitch up a shirt with Ben Sherman, fist-fight Brad Pitt (Fight Club style), lay down on my back & gaze at the night sky with St. Francis of Assissi, discuss life & the current state of our nation with Abraham Lincoln, discuss Salvation with Bob Dylan, invent something with Benjamin Franklin, write poems with Dr.Seuss, play chess with Napoleon, race Vespas with Audrey Hepburn &....& spend all of Eternity doing stuff with Jesus...But the two of us have already met.