Im smal blonde n totaly wierd wahoooo! I think i got sum friends hu i luv 2 bits and the bestest bf a girl cud have, seriously i love him so so so so so so much! Without him i wud b nothing, we hav such a laugh together, i feel so comfortable with him,(We even pick each other's noses haha strange yes!) I thank him 4 everythin he's dun 4 me n i love him lots n ldz n muchly!
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Woohoo!!! I Have the most wonderful friends ever, they stick by me wotever n bring me so much happiness! I love them very much n would be lost without them!!!!i laugh at everythin! i also eat loads but im still quit petite hehe! well dats enough bout me coz well im a bit on da borin side i think! i 4 sum strange reason u wanna no more nout me the u can go on ma other
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