Kaja Runa profile picture

Kaja Runa

I find myself wondering if I have something to say

About Me

Kaja means 'echo' and Runa means 'to flow'.

..I'm an English poet/MC/Politics and Philosophy graduate/soul searcher/backpacker/lawyer-to-be... take your pick! I'm straight up, to the point, and an open book in terms of- I'll let you know where I stand on things, if something is not gravy or if something is giving me good vibes. I start law school next year.. until then... I'm a writer. Everything is a potential muse. Everything is a potential lesson. Everything is a potential new juncture in your life. I'm not here to judge anyone, pretty much everyone is groovy by me. I'm just want to live a life that I can look back on with a giggle, some pride and a little bit of wonder.

After law school starts, life's likely to get quite busy for a stretch, so I'm making the most of my time till then - so any performances, recordings, jam sessions, gigs, events... let me know!

Bo·he·mi·a /bo?'himi?/

a district inhabited by persons, typically artists, writers, and intellectuals, whose way of life, dress, etc., are generally unconventional or avant-garde.


My Interests


Member Since: 4/21/2007
Band Website: kajaruna.blogspot.com
Band Members: Me
Influences: People, Experience, Fantasy, Music..

Sounds Like: Spoken Word
As with everyone, depends on the mood. Love The Kooks, Lauryn Hill, Common, Goo Goo Dolls, Nirvana, Erykah Badu, Snow Patrol, Goldfrapp... alongside hundreds of others, mainly independent or less known artists whose CDs I've been given or have collected on my travels - a lot of Cuban and Spanish music, Acoustic, Jazz, Soul, and of course, spoken word.
Reading My parents used to have to come in and force me to stop reading with a torch under my duvet. You would have thought that would've made academic reading a breeze, but no... Anyway, I love reading everything- from a passing thought to a novel of experiences. Obviously, I enjoy hearing the spoken word performed but I hope my Sunday afternoons will always be spent quietly, barefoot and reading. (afternoons because now, being a tad older than torch-under-duvet, life usually leads morning to be a recovery time from the night before. Being barefoot now is also, more often than not, a perplexing result of said previous night, rather than a bohemian choice of existence...)


Obligatory Quiz

Tell Me About YourSelf Quiz!*
Have You?
Kissed a member of the same sex? Yes. First kiss.
Ranaway? Yes, still do sometimes.
Skipped school? Classes, not days I don't think.
Told someone you loved them? Yes, romantically and platonically.
Cried when someone died? In movies. Thankfully no one that close to me has died.
Wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? Wanted someone I knew I shouldn't have.
Broken a bone? Never.
Done something embarrassing? Daily.
Done a drug? Yes. No crack though, thats for the kids.
Cried in school? Probably.
Seen a scary movie? Hate them.
Which Is Better?
Coke or Pepsi? Neither
Sprite or 7-Up Not a fizzy drink girl
Girls or Boys? Depends what you want me to do with them
Flowers or Candy? Flowers, if they aren't some shitty generic present to make up for a fuck up
Blondes or Brunettes? Brunettes.
Rock or Rap? Impossible choice.
Short or Tall? Whatever suits
Pants or Shorts? huh
Night or Day? The wicked never rest
Body or Face? Face
Smart or Funny? If its the doctor disecting my elbow, smart. Anyone else, funny.
Sweet or Attractive? Sweet can get nauseating in the extreme but attractive never gets old.
Romantic memory? Lying in a hammock, under the stars and feeling like it would last forever.
Goal for the year? Be stronger.
Favorite song? Changes as often as my finget hits on my iPod
In Your Room? ... there is a burned bed/wall/floor.
Picture on your desktop? Lauryn Hill
Color? ColoUr : Green
Movie? Little Miss Sunshine, About a boy
Artists? enrich the world
Ice cream? tastes good... praline... Elena's Ice Cream, St Lucia...
Season? Winter or Summer, the inbetweens are pansies
Breakfast food? is nice? Fruits, Granola, Bagels, scrambled egg
Makes you laugh the most? Tania
Makes you smile? Edmund
Can make you feel better know matter what? Zorro, Tania
Who has it easier girls or guys? A question so stupid as to nearly make me stop taking this quiz
Have You Ever?
Sang in the shower?
Saved an AIM conversation? Yes.
Saved an E-mail? Yes.
Had a triple kiss? Yes...
Gone skyp-diving? No, want to.
Got in serious trouble? Academically, yes.
Went scuba diving? Almost
Cuddled with someone? Yes.
Go online for more then 8 hours at a time? Yes.
Fallen for your best friend? Yes...
Kissed two people in the same day? Yes.
Had sex with two different people in the same day? Yes.
Been rejected? Yes. Owch.
Been in love? Yes.
Been kissed? Not on my third toenail on my left foot.
Done something you regret? Try not to regret, Try to live so you never can... To me, you only really regret when you did something against your beliefs/gut instinct. If you always do what you think is right... even if it ends up being wrong, you can be at peace.
Last Person?
You touched? in a naughty way? No comment.
You talked to? Tania
You hugged? Jay
You IMed? Nathan
You yelled at? Vanessa
Who broke your heart? Hmm.. no comment.
Who told you they loved you? My mum
Do You?
Color your hair? No.
Have tattoos? No.
Have piercings? Ears, nose, lip
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Not currently
Own a thong? Yes. How perverted to ask.
Want to get married? Someday if its right.
Want to have kids? Definitely.
Name? Kaja Runa
Age? aint nothing but a number
Gender? Female
Hair? grows
Eyes? unusually dark I'm told
Sport? life
Book? .. is on its way, I'll let you know.
Music? pumps through my blood like oxygen


Type of Label: None

My Blog

poem: swing

Night stillness        &nb sp;  in a  silent playground        &n bsp;    surroundsus.I'm  &...
Posted by Kaja Runa on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 03:36:00 PST

skin smiling

  a small room, several floors above a basement bar with a jazz band playing there that's where we are, baby baby yeah hot summer night and the only light is the neons along the street no curta...
Posted by Kaja Runa on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 09:47:00 PST


Mariella rides waves of bright green ribbons And sees purple hot air balloons Dancing liquorice do the lambada and then - something unfamiliar happens. She smiles. Tears prick at her closed eyes....
Posted by Kaja Runa on Tue, 22 May 2007 04:13:00 PST

Poem: Sensation by equation

There is something familiar in how he holds me to him. Brushes aside the hair on my shoulder and kisses my skin. It's as if he's worshipped my body for decades Memorised my curves and the way my hi...
Posted by Kaja Runa on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:25:00 PST

Poem: Out of body

Out of body I'm just a spectator to the silent cacophony of whizzes in my mind  whizz of worry whizz of elation whizz of anger - whizz of lust excitement-jealousy-motivation - too fast to ...
Posted by Kaja Runa on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:15:00 PST

Poem (english): Tromp L'oeil

Ignorance is blissbut I desire no such heaven -Let me but paint your perfectionand pray my selection of paint, brushes and wrist flicks- creates a trompe l'oeil mastery:The perfect illusion of reality...
Posted by Kaja Runa on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:28:00 PST

Poem: Charge

I like it when the air gets charged with that tension -particles buzzed off radiation from ourminds undulating against each other.Look me in the eyes.We're not even listening to what we're saying anym...
Posted by Kaja Runa on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 11:39:00 PST


My blog is where I'm going to post up various bits and bobs of written work, I find the system easier..Check it out
Posted by Kaja Runa on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST