just about me
I am Danuscha,but you all can call me Noesj.
I was born as a female on 27th of June.I'm a nice girl
honest,creative and friendly.
I can be mean,brutal and agressive.
I'll always tell you what I think.
Do you have a problem with that?
You'll better leave now then...
If I like you,you will know it,
I will do everything for you what's in my power
If I don't like you,I will tell you and probably ignore you.I can be hyperactive sometimes
well most of the time
I can be quiet and sad.
I talk alot,
well to much...
And I like it.
Don't try to shut me up because it won't work.Maybe I look tough on the outside,
but actualy
I'm a very sensitive person with many feelings...
When I'm hurt,I won't tell.
Also I hate people who tell me what to do , so don't try it....I won't listen.
If you have good advice,I maybe listen but
I want to make my own mistakes.My friends mean the world to me. Hurt them and I will hurt you.If you have some further question,don't be affraid to ask :D
I won't bite.