About Me
a dark horse, have usually just been for a bike ride or getting ready to go out on one. love those hills, love climbin'.sesame Street - a big influence since 1975. How can the Menah Menah song fail to charm?
I wish you could bottle up the following things - jacks' laugh, my neice's eye widened moments of learning something new, spotting a Banksy you haven't seen before, the fleeting feeling of not quite knowing where you are when you wake up, the hurtfree breathless moments of missing a step, falling off a stool, skeeting past a car, the physical relief of witnessing an accident waiting to happen - that didn't, when you are inexplicably overwhelmingly reminded of someone by a song, a sight, a smell.hate: hearing the sound of a snail squeaking as it's plucked off a surface, the feeling of a tyre deflating as you're riding, remembering a show you wanted to watch or hear is on just as the credits roll...love: feeling calm and comfortable, my mate habbi, the sound of a cork coming out of a good bottle of wine, glasses at the ready, cruising along an undulating or traffic light free road on my bicycle, watching someone being good at their job: service staff, actors, comedians, pilots, cyclists, whatever - just doing it well...
My Blog
reception and repetition
temping temping tempting and tenpin bowled over... I'm in a different office just for a few days a week, just for a few dollars more due to a surprising tax bill, a looming disaster involving a discon...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 06:02:00 GMT
high maintenance
you know those genetically modified perfect people - well-heeled, shiny hair, they don't go blotchy when they cry, their hair is in a style, accessorised, they've got stamps and lipsticks and stuff li...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:40:00 GMT
overhearing things
S: I think I've got moth maggots in my woollen wear. N: where did they come from? S: I was looking for my winter hat and I found lots of little coccoons. is the white clumpy stuff the eggs?N: put them...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 08:09:00 GMT
far too complicated
I recently saw a slightly bad rendition (is that the right word?) of Twelfth Night. There was a cardboard watering can on the stage which made me wonder why someone had taken the time to cut out the s...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 03:54:00 GMT
well, where would you keep a business continuity plan?
The Wet Blanket Boss has been fussing round the office recently in readiness for a fire safety inspection. Apart from disrupting everyone individually and asking them questions of great idiocy and unl...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 09:24:00 GMT
mild irritants
The Wet Blanket Boss had scheduled a short meeting to discuss my job description. Actually, as we're a co-operative, he's not really my 'boss' in the same way that Hell's Handmaiden was the big ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:51:00 GMT
you know, sometimes I question your commitment to sparkle nation
I've been employing (deploying?) this phrase for some months now. It's from the film donnie darko - I love its' irony and its' victoriawoody quality of over ambitious /loss-of-sense-of-perspective, sm...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 14:26:00 GMT
modern love
I was in a works canteen and overheard the first bit of this, but imagined the rest... "So," he said, "I added you to my msn".So suggestive. So flirty. Like hey, we all know what means, you!, you with...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 14:57:00 GMT
only the green
I was on holiday in turkey (this was ages ago) reading a translated leaflet about a boat trip. 'You will enjoy only the blue on this tour...' it read. We hooted with laughter, of course, and made cons...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 07:42:00 GMT
speed bump and car bomb
it wasn't a swell-with-pride-damascus-ique realisation, really. It just popped into my head that in recent efforts to learn latin american spanish, grimly, I knew the words for speedbump, carbomb and ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 20:00:00 GMT