Hai thurr, so you've stumbled onto my page. The name is Kate, it's not short for anything.
It irritates the shit outta me when people call me Katie. I'm 21, single! and not looking.
For once my life is completley drama free and I like it that way. I'm unemployed, oh how I wish
I still had my job, running around hitting people with dirty mops was fun. I'm pretty sure I have A.D.D.
but I'm just too lazy to get my ass to the docs and go find out. My attention span isn't as good as it was 5 years ago. I could be talking about
politics with someone and then the next thing I know I'm talking about transgender dwarfs. Pop music is my guilty pleasure. I'm abnormally sarcastic, but I'm also abnormally funny o.O. I'm pretty abrubt so if I don't like you, I'll say hey I don't like you
fuck off, cheers laav. I find Pagan, Wiccan and Buddhism religion fascinating. I love love LOVE music, no matter where I go and what I do
it's always with me. I hate Jeffree Star, OH EM GEE! that thing makes me want to punch babies. I also hate uptight bastards who suck the fun
out of everything and AND... Illiterate fucks. I live with the most neurotic, whack job people, my family. I did manage to move out of my parents
but I was back within 5 months, ha! Some independence that was -_-'. I love travelling, even if it's a 10 minute bus ride into the city. I love Canada, I left my
heart in Toronto. I have a best friend of 5 years and counting, fuck knows where I would be if I hadn't farted next to her. Most people dislike me, for whatever reasons, but they can suck it.
I'm not here to please anybody. I'm pretty awesome when I'm not acting like a complete waste of space, how immaculate.
This whole about me thing will probably be deleted within 5 minutes. I live in a shit town. The end.
Peace x