Im A MusiC Lover, i LoVe liStenIng it oUt lOud.. + LoVe ShoPpiNg+NatuRes+FloRa+Fauna+FairyTalEs StorycOol+sweet+adorale stuff.. Love SkiTTles+Crispy WrAp+ObsEs CorNettOs FLURRY + HOT CHOC + Fatty Crab + SweedIsh MeatBaLL +Pizza Hut+Chupa Chups.....Im Not SpOil BrAt bUt bEeN PaMpeReD A Lot by My ARIL ♥
Enjoy Winning, Stubborn!! Yes is me!! kiNda ExtrEmeGurL+ Im swEet + SeNsiTive ( Too Sensitive Need Extra Care )and bewAre Im is sOmeOne whO beArs a grUdge as i Say Do To Me Once I'll Do it TWice AS BAD ♥
♥ I make Mistake BUT i leaRn From Mine That's What I do!!I speAk WithOut Thinking, I act WithOut Knowing, Im A Fantastic Lover And A AmazinG Friend.. Yes That IS ME ♥
♥The things Hated Most IS The OnE Who IS A BAckStabber..Chaos Maker.. Xiven Girls.. and Them That Cant LoOk Others Being Happy so DoEs The One That Have Done Wrong And Then ACTING SO NICE in front of others so that She CaN Look Innocent..Wekk...Go AwAy,Get A Life and Stop BEing Phatectic♥
♥An the thiNgs ThAt I ScAred The Most Is To Lost The One That I reAlly Love. i ReAlly Pray That Im The one Will Gone 1St because I am Not A Strong PErSon Not At ALL♥
♥ Judge me and i'll prove you wrong , Tell me what to do and i'll tell you off, say im not worth it and WATCH where i end up?? And WheRe Were U?? The People That Born On ApRiL
Active and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can seep/s : To All My NEw Fwends Thanks 4 All The add.. sowy To Tell Ya Guys I dont Answer messages I dOnt HAve Enough Time And I Dont Have Ym(clishe??? heheh).. Wicked.. SOWY Ya'll