Our take on life is that it's not always great, it's not always shitty, it's usually somewhere between except when it's not. Everything is meaningful: every choice, action and thought. Keep it real, lie your ass off, drink, be honest, cry, have fun. Be human. Enjoy life.
Really though, Hobson's Choice is a contemporary 'zine. Common themes are Neo-Noir, Punk (and Post-Punk), Hard-boiled fiction, the beauty of the world, urban decay and freedom. Take your pick.
The Staff? Hobson's Choice is run by Daniel Dominowski, a jazz-bar attending twenty-something who moonlights as a undergraduate, and his alter-ego Jonah Hawthorne. He eats meat, likes punk-rock, hates nazi bastards and enjoys noir fiction. Jonah is a little more crass and probably a little more educated. He claims to have an MFA in Creative Writing, but won't admit to what school it came from. Daniel antagonizes Jonah by exhorting experimental prose in favor of mainstream work. They manage to balance it before publication, though.Fiction submissions for Issue 5 should be sent to [email protected] Submission Guidelines!
Click on an issue cover to purchase it!
Hobson's Choice can be acquired by contacting any of the folks in our top-9. For you Europeans, desastre distro (Portugal) and steve's distro (Ireland). US Customers contact By Freaks For Freaks (Illinois), Henhouse Distro (Alabama) or PXS (Florida). The Papercut Zine Library also has all issues. If you're an Augusta native, you can sometimes find it at the Limelite Cafe, along with the carousing editor. Also, for residents of Baltimore, Atomic Books has it on their shelves.
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