Jimbolaya & Tami profile picture

Jimbolaya & Tami

About Me

.. Hey there. My names Jimbolaya... I play the harmonica. I have a very deep found love for it. Blues and Folk sooth my soul. Iv only been playing for over a year now. Ever since i truly got into the blues and started listening to the blues harp is when my crazy obsession came about. I started playing on a very cheep set of johnson blues harps. Later i picked up the Pro hohner and never touched a cheap harp since. Let me tell you that the harp addiction really dents your wallet fast... But in order for you to keep up a tune you must have the right key with the right sound. (Witch i dont have all off yet) I relized that i have a very open spirtual connection with the harmonica. Its the best way i have found to open my heart and let people hear how i feel at that time. Iv also relized i was a natrual on the harp when i put in some good old Grateful Dead from the Pig Pen days. "It Hurts Me Too" is the song im talking about. Anyways that song came on and when Pig Pen grabs the harp and starts going off, it made my heart cry in a way i couldnt even explain. Only thing i could think of was grabing my harp and playing along. From right there when i realized how good i was keeping up was when i noticed i found my calling for this amazingly small but beautiful sounding insturment. That is when i threw down my drums to move forth. I have figured out what direction i want to take my music in and im doing it........ LOVING IT PEACE and LOVE PORTLAND

My Interests


Member Since: 20/04/2007
Band Website: http://www.myspace.com/jimbodehlia
Band Members: Jimbolaya
Influences: Willie "Blind Dog Fulton" Brown, James Cotton, Rod Piazza , Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Sonny Boy Williamson I and II, Rod Piazza, John Popper, Don Baker, Harmonica Fats, Harpdog Brown, String Cheese Incident, Grateful Dead, Alman Bros, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Ashra Temple, Head For the Hills, Greensky Bluegrass, Yonder Mountain, Railroad Earth, Old Crow Medicine Show, Willie Nelson, Willie "Big Eye" Smith, and many more of the top dogs of the harmonica....
Sounds Like: Train horns in a tunnel
Record Label: comming soon

My Blog

New Project in the works

YA thats right. A few groovy peeps and I are getting togather to bring you some more wonderful muzak. Some rockabilly ragtime swingin bluegrass with a twist of some outrages comedy mixed with crazy su...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 16:06:00 GMT


Yo im still alive. I have a few deals im working on and will have em up soon. so keep looking.... other than that PEACE and LOVE
Posted by on Wed, 02 May 2007 17:42:00 GMT

Getting some new Gear

Bout time. I am finaly getting a harp mic. Not the best its cheep but it will cover what needs to be done for the meantime. I will start adding some tracks on here soon for you all...PEACE
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 22:25:00 GMT

Working on some new covers

Hello to all. Got some news.. I am working on some covers of some of my most fav tunes that mean alot to me. Some of the titles are Glory Train by Don Baker. Folsom Prison , Walk the Line both by John...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 22:20:00 GMT