So, make her laugh a little and help her get through. She used to cry and no one knew. Help her out and treat her right. Its been awhile since she smiled so bright. Show her that not all guys lie, and be the one that keeps her tears dry.
T Bear In Dis House ;
break dance, not hearts; drop jaws, not bombs; make love, not war .
Names Christine ; Tina or T Bear to you. 14 years young, living life my way. Your approval [isn't] needed babe. I'm loud, hyper, and usually have a smile on my face. I love my friends, they make my *heart skip a beat. & My family puts a *sparkle in my eye. I love to go places, anywhurr, with my friends and have an amazing time :D. Hugs amaze meh. I swear a lot, and scream at the top of lungs and cause scenes. Always sober, not into the whole "lets get drunk+high, then forget what we did" scene. Music is my anti-drug. I skateboard and play basketball. I'm kick ass stuff kidos. I'm not perfect, and not like your average teenage girl. I might not be good enough for some people, and too hardcore for others but don't just judge meh because I can guarantee you will be [wrong]. I am rocking it single, and waiting for a guy to prove they aren't all the same. I won't disappoint you, and might even leave you *breathless. If I'm not worth you telling meh the truth then you aren't worth my time. I speak my mind. I get into trouble sometimes too much. I have enemies, and best friends. Briana Lee is my sister. Mess with anyone I care about, and I'll beat you up and down the block babe. I might seem invincible, and I usually am but I can't stand everything and break down every once and a while just like everyone does. I won't tell you my lfie story on hurr, meet meh and you won't be sorry :D. [AiM] DoggieDogg2k5 [hit meh upp] XOX0;;