♥ <2-2-08 TIL FOREVER!> <8 MONTHS :D!> ♥
This is my baby, my everything, my smile, my reason for getting out bed every morning, MY ONE Sure when we first dated I felt like I was dating my brother [LITERLY], but after I got over that, I realized saying yes was the best desion EVER! He has chaanged my view on so many things. I never wanted to get married, and now, I cant wait too! But like I told him, only if he's the groom and I become Mrs. Kruszewski :D! I love this guy more then
life itself![even though he smokes all my cigs!] I honestly never knew I could feel this way about anyone.
He has made such a HUGE impact in my life. He's maybe the biggest goober I know, But yet he's also one of the sweetest guys ever too! I know when I need some cheering up, Albert's right there making me smile! I know I probably annoy him with all my bitching but he takes it like a trooper and tries taking my mind off it. It's weird
that he can STILL give me butterflies. I love that I can act like I'm 7 and he's right there with me acting like it too (: I'm so comforable with him! I can wake up in the morning no make up, hairs hella messy, just lookin like poo, and he can still say " Good Morning Beautiful" to me (: I really dont know how I got soooo lucky with him but
I'm glad I did! He's the prince charming that every girl wants but HAHA BITCHES! I GOT HIM! it really is like a fairytale come true! I CAN'T see life without him! It just wouldn't be the same. He's always with me wherever I go places and thats the main thing I wanted in a boyfriend (: & when we go to ATREYU concerts together, he doesnt mind my freakingout ,obession, OMGIT'SBRANDONSALLER moments thank god! I dont mind that his pubic facial hair pokes me half the time and his teeth ALWAYS having chew stuck in them lol [sorry babe but it's true!] I love that he calls me baby and babe! It makes me smile when I see it
in a text! Sometimes It even makes me go "AWWWE" outload
(: Honestly, the more time I spend with him, the more I fall in love and just count the days off til I can finally marry him! People can say we're too young to think about it, or that we wont make it but WE ARE GOING TO PROVE YOU WRONG! I wont EVER let him go! I wouldn't be able
too. I love him so so sooo much! He means more to me then anyone else in this world [besides my sissy (:] From the butterfly& eskimo tisses, otterness with my neck, calling eachother butthead, goober moments, all the way to random feet massages, I fell so hard for him. I honestly can't tell you why or when it happened, but It did and AH! I LOVE IT!
♥ALBERT BABY♥ You know I'm no good with telling you my feelings but I hope you know baby that I appreiate you so much! You keep me sane when I just want to go insane! You make me smile when the rest of the world is making me want o murder someone. I know we may fight and most of the time it's my fault, I still love you more then anything in the world. Every stupid love song that I hear always makes me think of you! & waking up in your arms and just staring at eachother makes life worthwhile!
I cant wait to live with you! It's going to be so much fun :D! I really do hope you always know that I love you!& I really do mean I LOVE YOU! You're the only person I wanna say that too for the rest of my life! I KNOW we were meant for eachother! Cause there couldn't be anyone else better made for me then you <3 You know whats the best part about you? I dont have to wonder if you really care about me or love, I can just look at you and know you really do love me. You always give me these looks that tell I'm the only one. Sounds cheesy I know, but if you could see when you look at me, you would know too! All I know is, is you're the one I'm suppose to spend forever with and that's what I intend to do <3 I LOVE YOU BABY♥
[August, 9th, 2008]
Layout made by Life is a song and love is the lyrics
Love& miss you so much ....♥