Lyn profile picture


Rated PG-13 for nonstop creature action violence and frightening images, and for sensuality.

About Me

I'm half-Korean/half-White (Irish/Scottish mostly). I grew up in Roswell and have lived here my entire life for the most part. I'm pretty handy around electronics most of the time, especially computer systems. I'm not very social around people I don't know, but after a long while I'll warm up. Sometimes people ask me to talk more and it gets me into more trouble than it does good. My language usage is quirky.
Religiously I am what would be considered a Deist. I definitely believe in a God. I don't know whether or not this Entity exists within our existence though. I don't believe that It is good or evil; It simply exists. The only reason I believe in this is because I've had many interesting coincidences, that are just too convenient to have happened. Either a God exists or I've made some really awesome saving throws. I tend to think the former.
One day I hope to be the Overlord of the Milky Way. I very much doubt this will happen, but wouldn't it be cool?
adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

Poster Child for Cynical Geeks World-round!

    Sudoku Board Games Card Games Video/Computer Games Computers Miniature Models
    Thought Provoking Conversation Paranormal Phenomena Ancestral Roots (Or Lack Thereof)

I play a lot of sudoku currently. Currently tackling Evil difficulty on WebSudoku . My times on it are really bad at the moment. 18 min average time :(

Every once in a while you can catch me playing Web Boggle . I use the name Lyn. I usually end up playing Sudoku more, so I don't play this as much as I used to.

In general I play all kinds of different games. Video, card, computer, board, etc. I have the kind of personality where I try to "own" the game and figure out the best way to consistently beat it. I'm a big fan of comptetitive games because of this. Psyching out people is half the fun.

I used to play World of Warcraft pretty heavily. I've pretty much stopped playing though. I'm thinking about coming back when the expansion is released.

I enjoy playing Namco fighting games like Tekken and Soul Calibur. I've also taken a huge interest in playing the Guitar Hero series of games.

In the past I have played even geekier games, such as Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, and Warhammer Fantasy. I don't really play any of these anymore, however I'm thinking about starting up a new D&D group with my friends.

Other than games, I'm pretty big into computers. I can program in C, Perl and various shell languages. I'm fluent enough with *ix machines to get around and do my work. I'm a CLI kind of guy also. When using Linux I prefer using Ratpoison for my GUI setup in conjuction with a multiple monitor setup. It can't be beat. In case you read up to this point -- yes, I'm an Emacs user.

I'd like to meet:

People who challenge my existence in some way.

Asides from that I don't really know. The one hobby that I had that was a life-force drain has been taken out of my life. I used to play computer and video games to a compulsive point. Luckily I broke free from that bondage. I'm trying to find something new to do, but there doesn't seem to be that much out there. You'd think there'd be more, but when you can break down all hobbies and activities into a fixed amount of categories that number under twenty it makes you wonder. All I know is I need to find something creative so I can vent a little.

On another aside, I would like to meet other Eurasian people. Supposedly there's more of us around, but I rarely encounter any others.


Copy the following link and plug it into your favorite Shoutcast compatible player (e.g. WinAmp or XMMS):

(Note: Because of the limited space available on the server, you may have to wait to be queued in. Repeat comes in handy here.) Alternatively, visit Radio42 . I prefer stuff that has a bit of a jazzy flavor to it. Two genres that I'm not a big fan of are country and rap.

I used to play viola back when I was in school. I played for eight years and was a part of the chamber orchestra we had in high school. I don't currently play it now though. I'm thinking about learning something new, but I'm not sure what. Not playing an instrument is starting to get to me lately.


I like movies that are primarily entertaining. I don't care for anything that is so in-depth that I have to watch it multiple times to figure out what's going on. Movies that allow for discussion after watching them are always welcome.

Watch a lot of sci-fi/fantasy type things being the geek that I am. I'm trying to watch more horror movies to get over the fear I have when I watch them. So far I'm making progress. It's always so much worse in my mind that I can't bear to watch what's on the screen.


I don't really watch much TV anymore. I like to watch Top Chef when it's on. Other than that I'll watch whatever movies happen to be on one of the various channels.


I used to read a lot of fantasy series. Pretty much everything written by David Eddings, some of Robert Jordan's stuff, a decent amount of Terry Goodkind's works, etc. I haven't really read anything that wasn't tech related in a long time. I'm hoping to get around that by reading The Running Man by Bachman (a.k.a. Stephen King pseudonym).


I try to emulate Paul Phoenix at every turn of my life. You can't ever have enough "Osu".

My Blog

Just when you thought you couldn't get any worse...

I just found out that there is a World of Warcraft Visa Platinum Card.  Reading the fine print it says that you get one rewards point for every $1.00 that you spend towards qualifying purchases (...
Posted by Lyn on Fri, 04 May 2007 06:15:00 PST

West Virginia

I'm moving to Charleston, WV for the next part of this project.  We won't be there more than probably four days.  There's a good chance that after I'm done with that area, I'll be sent ...
Posted by Lyn on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 07:25:00 PST

Being Moved Around Again

The Richmond market (along with W. VA and some other areas) opened up.  They're sending me out to the area to initiate testing along with another person that's on my team. Overall, I'll be really...
Posted by Lyn on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:49:00 PST


I've been transferred over to the DC area and supposedly I'll be finishing out the rest of the work in this area.  Unfortunately while I was up in NYC I only got one day to really look around as ...
Posted by Lyn on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 08:13:00 PST

Getting the old feet wet.

Yeah, for some reason I created an account for this thing a while back, but obviously it wasn't for anything all that interesting.  Well here I am trying to get this thing together now.  The...
Posted by Lyn on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:18:00 PST

Daily Musings -- 12/21

I'm going to try to organize and clean up some as the profile sounds like the excessive blatherings of some crazed sociopath.  On the flip side of the coin I've uploaded the best photo of me ever...
Posted by Lyn on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:17:00 PST