[*] Diamonds, shopping, shopping, updated fashion… travelling, travelling, reading, hang-out with my lappy, playing with my baby tobby, writing short stories & novels (during free-time only), drawing, give my creativity lots of test, snapping pictures, eat Nasi Lemak!!!, cheese-based food s/a double cheeseburger - cheesy wedges, surfing da net, driving, driving, driving, SMS-ing …cooking?? (get out of ere.. hoho, sumtimes yes especially when it comes to my favourite dishes ) umm…well, continue strolling… ;) [*]
[*] In my space? Of course that would include::: *my parents (since when u guys surf this site? Hoho) * * my 3-big her0es (wish they are…!) * * my protagonist (super duper nyummy…) * my sparkling stars, edora & mahirah (lurveeeeeeee u guys so damn much!!!) * * my ‘starhill’ amigas ::: zah, byn, munik, saf, all lambda members & other BBGS-ians * * elynn-beloved (never stop lovin u, gal) * * neylon.neylon.neylon (oh Chris-stop-her! heheeee) * * my lecturers…hehehe * * my roommates -dunk-mama.has-kym-nanad- (lots of fun, huh..) * * D-mates especially tym, ion, nadnod, mek-T, fifi, girls & guys (D is da beSt!)* * all of u who participated in da making-of ‘QS grammy nite’ last sept 06 mainly kush, suesue, my MC partner- zul, co-hosts rai & azzli and many others (you guys ROX!) * * my amigas, here in UiTM…how can I sort-out your names, too many meh! Haha * * Benum Hill Resort’s armies ::: norm, dayah, arwin, akma, kamal, tompel, panjang, zahid, e-ja, Alpha-nians, NS heroes & heroines…too many lah (miss our 3months training & battling with each other – physically & mentally!) * *my British Council amigas.. especially Chris (wish our class lasts forever) * my 360º used-to-be guy, why aren’t u married yet?? Poor guy... * * sista hilton (yeah rite..) * * new friends, obviously (u r welcomed in my life) * * those who makes my life better & much more better, muahhhxx…love u all!! [*]
[*] all kinds of music suit my ears, no exception but ‘I’ll be missing u’, ‘all the love in the world’ & ‘nothing in this world’ are among my fav [*]
[*] I fancy those movies under thrill, scary, comedy, romantic, animation, fantasy, classic, violent genre…err, what else left? Part of my favourites include::: cheaper by the dozen, HP, a walk to remember, stepford wives and home alone, not to forget, Korean movies ;-) [*]
[*] JOEY, Simple life (a.k.a stupid life...), Korean-based drama s/a full house & autumn in my heart, telenovelas s/a Rosalinda, Rubi & Bwg Putih-Bwg Merah…and the list goes on [*]
[*] Tony Parson’s novels, Chudley’s Construction Technology…u betcha!, Meg Cabot’s collection, Sophia’s Shopaholics range, CLEO mag (delicious, baby…), great peeps-fav novels, Archie comics, Doraemon comics, books on creativity, travel books, CAT’s book & all the books in the world… [*]
[*] what shall I write here? Oh, okay..my heroes (and heroines) will be TSAA cuz u brightened up my future (u r deeply appreciated by me & my family) and my lecturers for being my dependable mentors ;-) [*]