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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well..... I got a brother a mom and a dad and cant find the test tube i came out of, but i am still here. I am a band nerd i have played drums since i was 13. I was skinny as a kid and filled out as the spokesperson for the Pillsberry Doe boy. But I have no complaints. My dad is an Olympic shooter so naturaly i am....not really but i am not half bad you give me a gun I will shoot it. I live in Next to the U of M and it is awsome!! i chill play frisbee jam and just be me... I wont change and you cant change me!!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet the following: Gandi- want to know how he resisted the women and how he took a piss in that toga. Jesus- who wouldn't Hitler-so i could kick him in the balls and make fun of his mustache. Kurt Cobain- Because I was a baby when he died so I didn't have a chance to meet his ass. Joey Jordson- cause he is a GOD at drums and so is SLIPKNOT! The person who is reading this right now-so if you were smart and funny and missing some anotmy from mine I could talk to you. - Myspace Codes

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My Blog

The First

This is my first entry into my blog, I want to start off saying thank you to James fat ass Neer for helping me with this creation of mine known as the My space of Randall Provience. IT took half of a ...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 12:04:00 GMT