About Me
Well it's been brought to my attention that my profile was a little dated. I am not in fact a 21 year old college student. So who am I? Well I'm 23 soon to be 24, but given my track record of timely profile update, I could be 31 or dead as you read this. I currently live in Philadelphia, but I'm a proud Jersey boy at heart. I am currently employed (which still seems to shock those closest to me) as a fleet service agent at Philadelphia International Airport. It's a job, so it's not necessarily something I enjoy, but has it's benefits (free flights, cheap hotels and at least two hours of playing dominoes a shift). Outside of that I guess it's easiest to describe myself with the things, "I like list," albeit a bit clichéd:WELL right off the bat lists and talking about myself are pastimes of mine, so this should entertain me.MY FRIENDS and family. My anchor blah blah, my everything blah blah, but seriously the people I surround myself with are pretty awesome. They are there to share a laugh, toast a drink, support me when I need it or kick me in the ass when I deserve it.TRAVEL. I'm game for a trip to anywhere at anytime. Hell, have to make a drive over five hours, give me a call if I'm free you have a co-pilot. Though with the free flights from work, the luster of the roadtrip was faded a bit.HUMOR. Now this one is a bit wide open. I do believe I have a quick and reasonable biting wit. That being said I do not shy from making or laughing at jokes about poop.SPORTS.I love my teams, The New Jersey Devils, The New York Giants and Mets. I love to watch golf, Nascar, boxing and pretty much any other contest you can name. Hand and hand with sports come the arguments and fights over them. I enjoy that just as much as actually watching them.ALONE TIME. I find myself a little jealous of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, because I would love a shell to retreat into sometimes. I love at least a little bit of Bryan time a day. This can consists of terrible television (I'm not above indulging in the watered action and poorly masked religious overtones of Walker: Texas Ranger or everyone's favorite group of whiney Canadians at Degrassi), reading in the bathtub, a starring contest with the cat or drifting off into space looking of the balcony.FOOD. I like to try any food product or local cuisine I can. I can honestly say I love caverery, fois gras, and truffles. that being said I find it important to point out that my pallet is so high class that I can identify fast food burgers blindfolded.
KNOWLEDGE. Anyone who knows me may have just raised an eyebrow reading that, but I love to learn new things. In fact, while doing laundry (another brow raiser) I find numerous slips of paper, on which are written various thing I encounter or think about during the day that I would like to research and more about. This leads to many sleepless nights.AND of course I also enjoy....
Acting stupid, Airplanes, Alligators, Alcohol, Apple Sauce, Arcades, Aquariums, Backrubs (I'd rather receive than give but backrubs in general are cool), Bars, Barbecue, Beaches, Bears ;), Beer, Bike rides, Board games, Books, Breasts, Cats, Catching up with old friends, Coffee, Coins, Crab cakes, Cuddling (shut up, I'm still all that is man) Cupcakes, Dogs, being a proud Dork, Drinking games, Driving like an old lady, the Driving range, being Early, Exact change, Fires, Fireworks, Fishing, French, French onion soup, Funny last names, Gin and tonic, Golf, guns, Hammocks, Helping people with problems, Hiking, The History Channel, Holding hands (again still all that is man), Horoscopes, Hot Chocolate, Hot Point, Hot sauce, Killer whales, Max's Station House, Mini-golf, Mooning people, Moonshine, Mowing the lawn, Mr. Met, Muggles, Music, Napping, My nephew, the Outdoors, The Olympics Games, Pajama pants, People falling down, Poker, Pool, Pools, Power Rangers, Pretentious accents of vowels, Puzzles, Québec, Rocking out, Sand, Singing, long hot Showers, Singing in the Shower, Sleeping, Snowball fights, Snowboarding, Spellcheck, Spiderman, Spite when it's funny and only a little mean (that makes me sound like a bad person),Subtle hints, Summer, Text messaging, Video games, War Movies, and World Religions.Now to give a full portrait of me, I feel it necessary to list the things I don't like. Fear not, not nearly as long as the first list. I'm a generally easy going guy so I don't dislike much, except...
Bad drivers, Cancer, being Cold, Colds, Delays, Death, Fake people, Failure, Heartache, Heartburn, Helping people move, Highlighters, Holiday episodes on television, people using Letters in place of words (sorry to the 63% percent of my friends that do), Liars, Loosing at games, Loosing things, Mistakes, Movie theater nachos (I love them in theory, but always end up disappointed), Overreaction (in others and even worse in myself), Public bathrooms, Quitting smoking (not people who quit, the fake that it's so hard for me), Roller coasters, Snitches, Spite when it's too mean, Sticky things touching me, Thieves, the Trolley, Umbrellas, Vampires, Vomiting, Water Balloons, Wet clothing.That pretty much sums me up in a nutshell. I know I can be long winded, so I congratulate you if you made it this far. In fact I thank you for your interest in me. All the people that would look at my profile are my friends anyway, so they knew this all already and have probably quit reading. Anything else you'd like to know just ask. oh and I'm sorry for the blah-ness of the layout, computers aren't my friend.