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The Above Badge is another band that Uncle Ernie's a member of called The Snake Brothers. So please support them! Thank you so much!
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Hello there. I am not a member of HAL. My name is Heidi and I have been a long time friend and fan of theirs. I am making this page strictly a HAL theme. The only thing that'll be left on here that aren't HAL related are the comments and this section. However, videos, pics, etc. (except for comments from other people) of HAL (and HAL related) will be on this page. And as of now, I'm still only adding people I know. Thanks for your understanding. :)
Below are HAL songs you can download for a small price! Enjoy!
Well my interests are cats; 60s & 70s music; Home At Last; Danny Eyer; Patty Blee; etc. As far as movies go....anything with Vincent D'Onofrio, Michael Keaton, Drew Barrymore, etc. Some of my fav TV shows are...Law & Order: Criminal Intent; The Monkees; Ghost Hunters; Little, People, Big World; The Cosby Show, etc. I also love taking pictures and showing them off to the world whether anyone likes them or not. ;) Hehe! Below is one of them and it's of Uncle Ernie and I'm keeping this on here whether anyone likes it or not! LOL! ;-P So far this is my fav pic I've taken of him. :-D Please click thumbnail below to view the pic really big. LOL! :)Below is a video I created for HAL. I made it without special effects for a reason. I wanted everyone to know who they are so I made it simple and easy so you remember them. Hope you like it. Please support HAL and watch this video and join their fan club! The URL to my site is in the video. Tried many times putting the link on here but I guess MySpace won't let you put links in this section. :(
Thanks.Home At Last's "Face the Music"
Add to My Profile | More VideosHome At Last: "Too Much Trouble"
Add to My Profile | More VideosHome At Last: "Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad"
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The above picture is a clickable thumbnail pic I took of my cat, Pepper. :)
The animated picture above looks exactly like my cat, Pepper, but it is not her! OK. I know this isn't HAL related but couldn't resist putting this one on here. LOL!