diet coke*mountain dew*my cell phone~my digital camera~watching my niece play softball~ ~all colors of sharpies*my 2 cats [pooky and stinky]~my craft room~tattoos~harleys~nascar*marlboro ultra lights*1970 monte carlo*ice tea w/sugar~lightning~storms~shopping~sex~DAVID BLAINE~pc games~porn~pistols[DEFIANTLY NOT IN THAT ORDER] ~*~+~*~+~*~+~*~+~ WHAT PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME: my cousin Frankie was on MTV real world san diego~ i make better friends with guys, cuz girls are to gossipy and the spend to much time to get ready to go somewhere. omg were just going to the gas station and the bitch has to put on her make-up.
People that can handle my smart ass mouth.....Hey it's all in fun. That's why i didn't have kids, so I can still act like one. People that don't have ISSUES. I have met a few on here that have more drama than a bitch on crack with 8 kids with 7 babies daddys. This is the game of LIFE, and we are the players. NO LIARS PLEASE.... people that can straight out tell me how they feel, their habits, problems, etc. and not judge me on my own......... babam..... AND REMEMBER I HATE LIARS......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Alternative rock/... and back when they called it punk.....certain rap
i can't sit still long enough to watch a movie... but if i did, my preference is comedy or a little late night porn+*+*+*+
is that that square thing that glows in the other room
books umm, as long as they have pictures in them
My Dad~he was awesome. spoiled me rotten. I miss you dad..