Occult, Demons, Angels, Books, Ancient Scripts, Writing, LARP, RPGing, reading, drawing, and anime.
Officer Voodoo and I have teamed up to create Daemonic Aura. The Parts to Daemonic Aura are posted in my Blog not his. Please leave a response.
Nigel Bennett, James Marsters. Enemies of my past. (Got a few choice words I would like to share with them and some torture techniques I'm testing.)
Disturbed, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Godsmack, Seether, Evenescence, Sarah Mclaughlin, Celtic, Techno, Electrical.
Jurassic park Triology, Blade, Underworld, Dracula dead and loving it, Helsing, Highlander Triology, Inuyasha 2nd movie, Advent Rising-Final Fantasy 7, The Seventh Sign, The Prophecy Series 1-5, Hellraisier, Dogma, Little Nicky, Pokemon....and more...
Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Forever Knight, The Dresdin Files, Paranormal State, A Haunting, Livescifi.tv, Gargolyes, Inuyasha, Tsukuyomi - Moon Phase, Pokemon,anime, anything supernatural.
P.N. Elrod the Vampire Files series.. so far books 1-12 Christoper Golden the Angel souls and Devil hearts series The Demonology Field book The Vampire Encyclopedia
Lord Cadiver the Gothick King
My totem animals "Wild Boar" & "Ram" & Fishie
Unkle Mike
My Mom
Officer Voodoo
My Guinea Pigs: (RIP to Gotham and Pandy) Kaden
My Cats: Vladimir and Gizmo
CURRENT MOON lunar phases