A very proud Mexican-German, a dying breed. I'm also referred to as a Mexican't, but that's a whole other topic. I talk way too much, and I'm not nearly as funny as I'd like to think I am. Just humor me, won't ya? Thanks in advance. I GUESS YOU'RE ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO PUT SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF IN THIS SECTION...
My passions are music & dancing. Don't mistake passion for talent, but that doesn't mean I suck! I love dancing to salsa, merengue, cumbia, cha-cha, even banda. Next, I want to learn flamenco! I love going to shows, the live music in Seattle is undisputed. And I'm open to them all, hip-hop, soul, funk, jam band, rock, reggae. When I'm not doing that, I'm enjoying a memorable meal w/ my favorite people at a favorite restaurant. I truly enjoy all walks of life, and am attracted to many types of people. I'm letting myself jump back into the dating pool (finally), but that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to keep in touch w/ my friends spread throughout the U.S., get re-connected w/ old ones, and to check out the music. Nintendo?
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