I may look like an average twenty two year old.But i am anything but average.I have probally seen and been through more in my twenty two years then most people will in there whole lives.
I have wasted too many years of my life being angry with myself and with the rest of the world because of all the bad things that have happened to me.I want to try to share my story so that hopefully it can help some of you.
I think "Who I Would Like To Meet" is one of the easiest questions i have been asked,and the answer is even easier.I would like to meet Sophia Rossi and People who Inspire others and follow there dreams.
I have been sick since i am ten years old,From a disease called Endometriosis.Which for eight years caused me to be in severe pain constantly and caused me to sometimes bleed for months on end.I was either hooked up to Morphine or Demerol more times then not and i have had more surgeries then you can count on both hands.None of which helped,so at the age of eighteen years old i had a complete hystrectomy.Which thankfully did help.Since then i have had further comlications including a drug addiction to Demerol and going in complete menoupause.I also found myself involved in a very dangerous relationship at the age of fifteen where i suffered every type of abuse you can probally dream of.I am lucky to be alive.This relationship is possibly ninty percent of the reason why i became addicted to drugs,to escape the pain and the reality of what was happening to me.I've also been raped.I also lost someone very inportant to me back in 1999.A close friend to myself and my whole family.That was a hard day for me.The pain never goes away,But it does get easier.There are more days now where i can think about him and smile rather then cry.
Believe it or not these are only a couple of things i have chosen to share with all of you.I wanted to show everybody that after everything that has happened to me in my past i have managed to survive and overcome it all to become a better person and to go on and do great things.I found someone wonderful to share the rest of my life with who after everything makes me feel like i am a good person with alot to offer.My life is not a fairytale but i can tell you it sure has its fairytale moments.I believe everybody can have that life you just need to have a positive attitude and never give up shooting for your dreams.For all of those who have suffered you should all be admired because you are more wonderful then you probally even know.
Sophia Rossi Fan Of The Week