WoOt! Here goes! --- Martial Arts, Movies, Computers, Electronics, Time Travel, Budhism, Video Games, Pandas, number 2 Pencils, Robots, Aliens, Sci Fi stuff (but not all creepy nerdy...), Cheeseburgers, Mayonaise, water, boobies, porno, trying to guess when politicians lie and when they tell the truth (I figure they lie when I'm not sure.... just to be on the safe side), going out with the guys to get Kung Fu gear, airplanes, talking over IMs, trying to remember why i forget so much, MMA, and more to come as they come to me!
My father. I never met him. He died fighting in the Clone Wars when a young jedi called Darth Vader betrayed him. I heard he was a great pilot. That's what Ben said anyways...
White people music during the day, black people music at night! That's just how I roll...
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