Legalize Generosity profile picture

Legalize Generosity

I am here for Networking

About Me

This profile is created and maintained by three caring poets: Tommy Baas (Milwaukee, WI), Amelia Matus (Milwaukee, WI), and Courtney Campbell (Recife, Brazil).
It spawned one night when Tommy heard on Alice Cooper's radio show how a new law in Dallas, TX now prohibits people from giving food to homeless people. He was so appalled that he immediately began spreading the word and researching this bizzare issue. Turns out that it's true, and this law is spreading fast across the country, unfortunately.
Why such a ludicrous law?
It would seem that local businesses feel threatened by the presence of the less fortunate. The proponents of the law argue that the homeless should be funneled in the directions of the shelters. Are we hiding the homeless? Removing their visibility from daily life? Erasing any posibility of society having to see and face the ills that face us? Are we trying to ignore a problem that is already ignored?

Forget the fact that the homeless will be there regardless of whether people give them food or not. Time was when it seemed that much better a thing to do to offer a beggar food or buy him/her a sandwich at the shop around the corner than to give him/her change that we assume they will just buy crack with. If there could be a law against giving another human being money in a capitalist society, they might have tried that. But instead a law has been passed prohibiting a human being with a home from giving FOOD to another human being without a home. And who should insist on such a law but the gainfully employed, the businesses who make it possible for some people to have work that they might afford a home. If you do not have a home in this country, you are considered a non-entity. Laws seem to be geared toward just letting the homeless die off or disappear, creeping into the childish mentality that "If I can not see you, you are not there."
We know all too well how in a capitalist/democratic country businesses can affect law much more than actual people. Imagine people with jobs, homes, and nice suits feeling threatened by those who don't have these things, and doing something about it. Obviously there is little the homeless & foodless can do in retaliation, but there is very much that the rest of us who care can do. This profile was begun to spread awareness of such absurd laws. Hopefully it can do more, directly or indirectly, by so doing. We can give bread to pigeons, but not to homeless people. We can give them a cigarette, but not a sandwich. Something is disgustingly wrong here. Don't you think?

We'd like to add that while each of us might have our own religions and politics, this profile is not affiliated with a religious or political group. Everyone from every walk is invited to join and question! All the same, take a look at some of those who have befriended them. You migh find organizations, religious groups, political parties, friends, or politicians who are concerned with these same issues. You might be surprised!
related sites/articles: orne-in-dallas.html 09897 de_N.htm
To see what happened in Las Vegas:
July 20, 2006 Las Vegas Sun: /072010285.html
July 21, 2006 Fox News:,2933,204854,00.html
July 28, 2006 06.htm
July 28, 2006 New York Times: 739200&en=30c047a011e5951c&ei=5088&partner=rssny t&emc=rss
On Bans in General:
On Vegas and Orlando 08/2006: meless.php
On Food not Bombs arrests: omeless_face_arrest

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

generous souls and citizens, compassionate & sympathetic law officials capable of exacting change or resisting enforcement of absurd laws, homeless people who would like a bite to eat

My Blog

"Panhandling ordinance is a travesty"

This was in the Dallas Morning News June 1, 2007. Panhandling ordinance is a travesty Let us treat our homeless with compassion, not fear, says JOSEPH CLIFFORD 12:00 AM CDT on Friday, June 1, 2007 ...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 04:35:00 GMT

"Feel Me" by Ian (thank you!)

dont wanna die don't wanna live like this wanna fly but not high wanna live in bliss so tired so much pain not enough gain so much to say so much to pray so i keep calling through his name. when ...
Posted by on Sun, 20 May 2007 03:35:00 GMT

"The Law is for the Protection of the People" lyrics by Kris Kristofferson

Billy dalton staggered on the sidewalkSomeone said he stumbled and he fellSix squad cars came screaming to the rescueHauled old billy dalton off to jailcause the law is for protection of the peopleRul...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 00:20:00 GMT

"What is Your Name?" (by Amelia)

the windchimes wail when youwander to us likean unfed soldier in an army ofcrack lust andstolen integrity i know you offered your soulto many demons thoughthe burn and smoke is not enoughto turn you t...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 23:21:00 GMT

a couple poems by J.D. Roland

Balance If the night should pass into ordinary And the day without challenge or comment Consider it wasted and move forward For how can we grow if not to question? How can we live without emotion? If...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 02:52:00 GMT

The 'Lord's table' illegal in Dallas

..> ..> The 'Lord's table' illegal in Dallas..> ..> ..> By Emily Bazar, USA TODAY ( ide_N.htm) DALLAS  Don Hart is a big man whos...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:53:00 GMT