My roomates!
| View | Add FavoriteMy 21st Birthday!
The Girls...
Messing around before a party...
We're always together!
My roomates and friends trying to tick off the people upstairs for calling the cops on us!
Us making jello shots, I'm the taste-tester!Yah! White trash bash 2006! Nicole's 21st
The girls at Hilda's 21st B-Day
Shakey's Night!Stuck on Splash Mountain at Disney when it broke down...The Beer Festival in Cordoba, Arg.Look what I found in Argentina! (I didn't do it)
When in Rome (or in this case, Argentina)...drinking mate with my students...My students in ArgentinaThis is what we do when we're studying.
A different outlook on life.
Joe Montana of the 49ers, Michael Jordan, Pele, Maradona (after the drugs and bypass).Orlando Bloom, Colin Farell, Ryan Phillipe, Jason Statham.Rachel McAdams, Adriana Lima, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie.I would love to meet MAFALDA!!And.........this kid!
Anything, Anykind, Anyone, Anywhere
Swingers, Animal House, Wedding Crashers, Reservoir Dogs, Scarface, The Godfather series, Fight Club, SWAT, Pirates of the Carribean, The Transporter, Legally Blonde, Caddyshack, Cheech and Chong (can you really choose which one?), Police Academy (same thing), Riding Giants, High School High.
Law & Order, Sportscenter, Daily Show, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Chappelle Show.
Fast Food Nation, A People's Guide to the History of the United States by Howard Zinn, Brave New World, Mafalda.
Mafalda, she's a feisty little girl but after 60 years, she's still brilliant.