wild child commitment phobe, but gradually getting over it, romanticizing, silly brained singer song writer, poet,collage maker. i love music, the rhythms, the bass, harmonies, vocals, brass sections, soul, jazz, loosing yourself in it and forgetting your brain. just sinking in and letting it swallow you up. i love singing.... getting excited and makeing kids hyper by shouting. dancing on the moon, playing with naughty pirates, doing silly dancing and celebrating our existance is also a pass time. beer and roleys are bloody good n all- friends, love, relaxing. being a dickhead. i also love food. it makes me so excited and gives me pure joy. oh and...Just got involved in a new FREE mag called Good Vibrations so am gonna dabble in abit of journalism for a random direction. pretty exciting stuff as i also love banter, people, observing and thinking so the fact that i now have a decent reason to write this up and someone even look at it is pretty damn fantastic. If you live in Liverpool look out for it!!!!!!!!
Otherwise love rowdy, food up, beat on and dance out!!! PEACE*******