Left 4 Dead First Hand |
Valve had me at first person, four player co-op, zombie survival horror. "Left 4 Dead" comes out next week and I'm excited; more excited after I played it. The demo had the first two stages of the fir... Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 23:53:00 GMT |
World of Warcraft and its Middle Class |
The lessons from this presidential election can be applied to World of Warcraft. With McCain and Obama battling for the hearts and minds of the middle class in , I'm reminded of the forgotten middle c... Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 21:51:00 GMT |
Blue Balls and Fable 2 |
When I bought my copy of Fable 2 on Oct. 21, I was excited; really excited.
Why, because I fell for that sneaky British Tom named Peter Molyneux. Ever since Fable 2 was announced he's been hypi... Posted by on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 16:25:00 GMT |
Why not China? |
Before the Olympic Games opened on Aug. 8 they have been ripe with controversy.Months before the games started the world protested China and their support of the Sudanese government and its ethnic cle... Posted by on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 18:13:00 GMT |
A Nerds View: The Dark Kight |
The Dark Knight has had a huge amount to press to live up to, from the success of Batman Begins as well as the coverage of Heath Ledger's untimely death. This movie does not disappoint from the persp... Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 03:10:00 GMT |
A Small Boat Between two Large waves |
It's interesting that the majority of the top blogs on Myspace have to do with a pro religion stance or the complete polar opposite. One arguing how the lack of "God fearing" people in the world is ca... Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 21:29:00 GMT |
A Nerds View: The Happening |
If The Sixth Sense is considered M. Night Shyamalan's most remembered picture, then The Happening will be the one you will want to forget; quickly.
Everything about this movie was bad. Plot, characte... Posted by on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 00:55:00 GMT |
A Nerds View: The Incredible Hulk |
This year's requel of The Incredible Hulk has had an uphill battle on two fronts; first, to shack off the stigma of the 2003 version of the movie; and second, to prove that Marvel can pull off two sup... Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 01:10:00 GMT |
A Nerds View: Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull |
Indiana Jones swung into the box office to save the free world once again from the clutches of evil tyrannical governments and stop them from abusing&a dead alien head for their own psychic gains?
Wha... Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 01:14:00 GMT |
A Nerd’s View: Iron Man |
One of Marvel's Big showings for the '08 summer released with ungodly amount of anticipation.Here's the low down.The story is the evolution of Tony Stark - a billion dollar playboy who has everything ... Posted by on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 01:11:00 GMT |