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perfect stranger

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am 21 years old and I attend ASU, which I will be done with in May!!! Yay! In five words I am bubbly, talkative, forgetful, aggressive and blunt. My favorite thing about people are meeting new ones and re-meeting old ones (if that makes sense). I can make simple things complicated but thats just cause I am thorough. I am very very into fashion in other words I love shopping. I want to do.. (scratch that) I AM GOING to do many things, travel, Lifetime Goal: Get into dental school but first I want a MBA. But right now its all about getting my act together and getting paid. Last but not least texting is my sin and my ipod carries the beat of my life. Like RevRun says: God is love.

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WhaT u kNow bOut Me

i wAnT 2 teLL yOu aBouT MeName: ? ? deidre ? ?Birthday: ? ? 10.04 ? ?Birthplace: ? ? tc ? ?Current Location: ? ? at home ? ?Eye Color: ? ? brownies ? ?Hair Color: ? ? coco ? ?Height: ? ? 5’8...
Posted by perfect stranger on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:31:00 PST

for ian...

Hey ian,well i been wanting to say good bye to you in some way. i want to call but it would hurt too much to get the voicemail. i really really wish we could have had the birthday dinner like you had ...
Posted by perfect stranger on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:06:00 PST