Film, Television, Avid Editing, Computers, Art, Symphony Online, Rock & Roll, DVD's, late nights, Parties, los angeles, tattoo, music videos, nerds
some tImes i dIrect rap videos: ----------------------------------------------width="425" height="350" ..
The Big Lebowski, Gummo, Stranger Than Paradise, Casino, Mad Hot Ballroom, Kids, Trainspotting, A Clockwork Orange, Badlands, The Limey, True Romance, Best In Show, Requiem for a Dream, Donnie Darko, Magnolia, Crash, The Usual Suspects, 21 Grams, Deconstucting Harry
The Amazing Race, The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss, The Next Great Champ, Get The Party Crackin',
Notes Of A Dirty Old Man, Marabou Stork Nightmares