Cheryl profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am 33 years old, been living in Philadelphia most of my life.I'm Married to an amazing guy, and have no kids, but have two wonderful little puppies that are 5 months old, Isabella/Lucy.There are some pics of them on my profile. I was born with a heart defect and, in 1995, had to have a heart & kidney transplant.I thank god everyday that I was able to have a second chance in life.I'm doing very well since the transplants,and in good health. I'm a babysitter, and I love kids. They are so much fun to be around.I like all kinds of music, outdoor activities, dancing, singing,and expecially reading, and watching tv & movies. My favorite actor is Tom Cruise, I think he is just way too hot. I really don't have a favorite actress. My favorite singer is Carrie Underwood. She just has an amazing personality and she can sing her @#! off. I love Food Network and everyone on the network is just so talanted,expecially Rachael Ray. She is a great business person, she is very talented, she is a talented cook. You can tell that she loves what she is doing. All her shows ROCK.$30 minute meals,$40 a day,idside dish,tasty travels,and her show on ABC. At the end of her shows,she makes me want to get up off my feet and create something YUM-O. Rachael Ray you are my Girl and you Rock...

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Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Everything,Expecially SHOES.

I'd like to meet:

Friends,and I love to meet Rachael Ray.


I love all kinds of music,I am such a hugh music Fan.


I like different types of movies,Expecially anything with Tom Cruise in it,man he is so HOT.


I love to watch TV, But most of all, the food tv network channel. I like to watch people make something delish, especially Everyday with Rachael Ray, 30-Minute Meals, $40 a Day, and Inside Dish. The girl just Rocks.


I like to read any kind of book that is very interesting and not boring.


My family (especially Stanley


My Blog

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Posted by Cheryl on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 05:58:00 PST

Rachel Ray.

I am a HUGH fan of Rachael Ray,she is on the food network and now also ABC.She has on the food network, 30 minute meals, Inside Dish, Chefography, $40 a Day, Rachael Rays Tasty Travels, And she was al...
Posted by Cheryl on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 03:56:00 PST

Happy birthday Isabella and Lucy.

As most of you all know that I have 2 wonderful  doggies I,sabella & Lucy. Their birthday was Jan 2nd, and turned one year old, I can't believe it,it went by way too fast.The were very d...
Posted by Cheryl on Sun, 13 May 2007 05:41:00 PST