Christina profile picture


Life is not a problem to be solved; it is an adventure to be lived.

About Me

I love, love, love my family and wish I was closer (proximity) to them. I'm married to a great man - he's as soft as a flower and as hard as a thunderbolt. He is my everything - my best friend. Every day he amazes me by his compassion, loving heart, determination, creativity, and ambitions. I love my friends - I wouldn't be the person I am today without their influence in my life. I'm stubborn. I love to learn. I ask way too many questions, sometimes to the annoyance of others. I work out not because I like to but because I'm afraid to get fat. I like flowers and gardens but tend to kill the ones you actually have to take care of. I love to cook but have to use a cookbook. I love my job. I love the military and what it stands for but sometimes disagree with its leaders and the things they ask us to do. I like to be around people but don't like to be the center of attention. I'm happy about the things I've accomplished and excited by what is yet to come. What can I say . . . I love my life.
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My outlook on life has changed a bit. I'm a planner. I like to know where my life is heading and then get frustrated or angry when things aren't on track. I'm starting to believe this isn't the best way to live. It's not the best way to achieve happiness. Always thinking about the future. . . . Who cares where you're going or how you're going to get there if you're constantly stressed or unhappy in the present? Now I want to think about the now. Live in the moment. Love the ones I'm with. Cherish them and let them know how much I love them. Instead of thinking about how things affect my life, think about how I can bring joy to those close to me. I want to forgive easy and love deeply.

My Interests

I am an American Airman.
I am a Warrior.
I have answered my Nation's call.

I am an American Airman.
My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win.
I am faithful to a Proud Heritage,
A Tradition of Honor,
And a Legacy of Valor.

I am an American Airman.
Guardian of Freedom and Justice,
My Nation's Sword and Shield,
Its Sentry and Avenger.
I defend my Country with my Life.

I am an American Airman.
Wingman, Leader, Warrior.
I will never leave an Airman behind,
I will never falter,
And I will not fail.

There are so many adventures I have yet to go on and this is where I start. Send me a message if you want to come along or start your own journey.

I'd like to meet:

Those who want to take their next vacation at a discounted price - check out this link: World Ventures . Send me a message if you want to know more.



Currently reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
