The 411: to register for Guitar Wars tm, there is no registration fee.Contestants must be sponsored into the show by the general public. People should believe in your skills by supporting you and buying tickets to the show. WE want to send the message to the contestants that drawing a crowd is part of the excitement of rock n roll. You must be sponsored by at least 10 people to earn the right to compete in Guitar Wars. EACH sponsor must buy a ticket to the event for $10. Sponsor sheets must be submitted along with registration forms in order to competeContestants will be given 20 tickets. After you become sponsored by 10 people, you may keep any proceeds from ticket sales above the first10. Therefore you are responsible for $100 in ticket sales to gain entry to the competition.You may not request more tickets to sell after your initial 20. You get to keep the proceeds on any ticket sales after the first 10!Individuals not competing in the event may buy any number of single tickets from one to infinity. No minimum. No maximum.