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The doctor of the future will give no drugs but interest his patients in the care of the human frame

About Me

Welcome to the Natural Health Network! this page was designed as an educational tool for the people of myspace. The purpose of the page is to expose you and your loved ones to a revolutionary, all-natural, non-toxic, breakthrough technology in health that is already changing millions of lives all over the world. Many researchers, doctors, and scientists are now calling this discovery the greatest medical discovery in the last 100 years! By taking the time to educate yourself and learn about this miraculous new discovery in medical science. Not only will you improve your health and your families health but imagine never having to pay health care costs again because... you're about to discover a natural health secret that insurance companies don't want you to know about. If there was an all natural non-toxic way for you to feel better, live longer, lose weight, and have more energy than you've ever had before all at the same time would you want to hear about it? Wouldn't it be nice to virtually eliminate your health care costs, costly trips to the doctor, and never have to pay for toxic prescription drugs with harmful side effects again? Of course it would right? Nobody likes being sick and everyone likes saving money that's obvious right? Well pay close attention because what you're about to discover in this short video will likely change your life forever...“Every thing man needs to heal himself can be found in nature the job of science is to find it”

~Paracelsus, the father of pharmacology

If you care about your health, or If you know anyone that is struggling with an auto immune disorder, fatigue, or even a serious illness be sure and pick up your free cellular health plan. Because what you'll learn will likely defy your belief about what is possible for restoring human health and longevity!Click Here For Your Free Cellular Health PlanDisruptive Technology

They used to think the earth was flat... and now everyone knows otherwise. LP records used to be the best thing... until CD's came along. This is called "Disruptive Technology" and one company leads the pack in the nutraceutical industry with it's patented "Glyconutrient" technology.

It's the same with ALL new discoveries. First it's Ridiculed... then it's Opposed... Then it's Accepted and considered Self Evident

Glyconutrients are NEW, they're DIFFERENT and they WORK. And soon everyone will be saying "Oh, of course... I knew that all along..." hmmm....

Glyconutrients work on your body's "operating system" by feeding it with necessary nutrients required for proper function. Treating symptoms is a thing of the past. The "Cut, Burn, Poison" philosophy of the present medical establishment will be considered barbaric in 10 years.

Remember your history...

In this short video you'll discover the exactly how glyconutrients work inside your body to help your bodies immune system, fight, and prevent sickness and disease.

The Sweet Language of Life:

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Glyconutrients are plant carbohydrates (monosaccharides) are biologically essential plant sugars and have only recently been shown to be Essential to all Human Life. Until the mid 1990's Carbohydrates were believed to only provide energy.

You have heard of the Doctor's Doctor and the Lawyer's Lawyer... well Glyconutrients are the "Nutrient's Nutrient". Without Glyconutrients in your daily intake of food intake your cells will lose communication and fail to do what they are designed to do.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be they food ”

~Hippocrates, the father of natural medicine

The term "Glycobiology" (the study of Glyconutrients) was only coined in 1991. Since then a wealth of information has been unearthed and is revolutionizing healthcare and the treatment of disease. It is a new and emerging area of nutritional science that even your doctor has little knowledge (if ANY knowledge at all).

The discovery of this new science is so amazing that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) states glycobiology the study of these sugars is one of the 10 emerging technologies that will change the world! We are excited to share this information with the world and hope this informative page has helped you.

Heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and most of the other major killers in society today can be classified as 'diseases of the uninformed.' They are nonetheless lethal but only to those who have not heard about prevention and natural cures. Unfortunately, this includes your loved ones and friends as well as the great majority of the Western world.

~Dr Helena Toth Hardy. N.D. C.N.C.

The information and scientific validation has been presented to you. The technology is real, the testimonials are real, and science has proven that nutrition is essential for good health, to prevent disease, and to restore health.

Because when you have healthy cells you have healthy tissues, when you have healthy tissues, you have healthy organs, when you have healthy organs you have healthy systems, when you have healthy systems you have a healthy body!

Glyconutrients are not a drug they have no harmful side effects, they do not cure, treat, or mitigate any disease they simply provide the nutritional building blocks for the bodies immune system to heal itself and we believe that is a miracle!

Glyconutrients, a revolutionary technology that is changing the world. The Cellular health plan on this page provides you with all the information you need on glyconutrients. Including where to get them, how to get them for less than most doctors, and what they can do for you.Click Here For Your Free Cellular Health Plan .

My Interests

Dr Benjamin Carson is listed in Time Magazine as one of the 20 most respected Doctors in the USA. He is Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, one of the most prestigious hospitals in the USA. He is one of the world's top Neurosurgeons. Dr Carson says that "glyconutrients helped save his life and should become a complementary component of our healthcare system."

~Dallas Weekly, February 2004.

Why are we so sick?

The food we eat, the air we breath, and the stress of our modern lifestyles is not what it used to be. We no longer receive these essential nutrients in our diets due to soil depletion, questionable farming practices, and wide spread pesticide usage. We are facing a healthcare crises and we our medical system is more focused on sickness and treating the symptoms (toxic drugs) rather than dealing with the cause (nutrition).

The good news is that...

Science has shown that optimal nutrition is essential for good health, to prevent disease, and to restore health.

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I'd like to meet:


Scientific Validation

Miracle Sugars - Rita Elkins M.H.
50 page Mini-Book dedicated to introducing anyone to the technology of Glyconutrition.

From the Rear Cover - "Scientists have recently discovered that our modern diet is missing some very vital nutrients, and surprisingly enough, these missing nutrients are sugars. After years of research. After years of research, author Rita Elkins has come to the conclusion that the lack of these invaluable sugars in our diet is a major reason for most of today's diseases, even cancer, diabetes, and auto-immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue Syndrome."

Sugars That Heal - Dr Emil Mondoa MD
This sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it's the key to one of the most important breakthroughs in recent medical science."

"Sugars That Heal" sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it's the key to one of the most important breakthroughs in recent medical science. We've all been bombarded with warnings about the evils of consuming too much sugar. But, in fact, for our bodies to function properly, we need small amounts of eight essential sugars, only two of which - glucose and Galactose - are commonly found in our limited, over-processed diets."

Science Magazine
23 March 2001 - Vol 291 - No 5512
This is the premier journal for researchers and scientists dedicated an entire issue (42 Page Special Feature ) to educating the science and medical community about Glyconutrients, Glycobiology and Glycoscience.

Acta Anatomica - Glycosciences - Issue 161/1-4/98
International Journal of Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology. Glycosylation is the most common form of protein and lipid modification but its biological significance has long been underestimated. The last decade, however, has witnessed the rapid emergence of the concept of the sugar code of biological information: indeed, monosaccharides represent an alphabet of biological information similar to amino acids and nucleic acids but with unsurpassed coding capacity.
Karger Online

Harpers Biochemistry - Dr R K Murray
The main biochemistry textbook required by doctors during their medical training. Healthcare professionals only started hearing about Glyconutrients and their role in health and healing when in 1996 chapter 56 was edited to indicate there was 8 (not 2) Essential Carbohydrates. (sorry... we were wrong!) If your doctor (maybe you) graduated before 1996 then most likely they (you) are not even aware of this new information.

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Glyconutrient Video & Doctor Testimonials

"The biggest revolutionary change in the war against disease is represented by glyconutrients. If you do not want to become a patient (and therefore a statistic) you need to answer in your own mind and heart if what you are doing for your health is optimal, and if not what else can you do."

~Michael Schlachter, MD Board Cerfified Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Disease Clinical Instructor

"I really believe that glyconutrients are something that will become mandatory for overall health, and the reason I have come to this conclusion is because I have spent the past several months doing what I call research on the research. And when I would do searches on glyconutrients, and especially on a lot of different disease processes, I was floored by the number of quality studies that are out there that have shown such benefit and promise in a myriad of diseases ranging from diabetes to arthritis. I believe that glyconutrients are going to become a staple nutritional supplement for all six billion people on the face of this earth within the next two to five years."

~Rob Ortmann, MD Immunologis and Research Scientist

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