Chocolate. Traveling. Musicals. Lavender. Orchids. Sunsets. The Ocean Breeze. Disney. Karaoke. the Improv. Naps on Rainy Day. Family-time. Slurpees. Road Trips. Astrology. Bonfires. Laughing out Loud. ENFJ. Watching the street acts at the Promenade. Musuems. Charisma. Sex and the City. F-R-I-E-N-D-S Trivia. Relaxing. Kisses on the Forehead. Baby Feet. Creme Brulee. Amusement Parks. Watching TV before I go to bed. Love Spell. A good book. Pink Berry. Wii Nights. BBQs. New York during the holidays. Coffee Dates w/my Dad. Smiling. Concerts. The quotes inside the Dove Chocolates. Meeting new people.
Fellow travelers... positive and open-minded people.