PSYCOPAT profile picture


About Me

.Born and raised in the small town of Hull Quebec. I started playing drums when I was 7 , my father was a drummer so each time he was practicing with his band (my uncles)or who ever my dad was jamming with,it always fasinated me to see my dad fucking banging the shit out of this fucking cool thing called a mother fucking DRUM. At the age of 13 I was always banging the shit out of my dad's left over crappy old drum , it's then that I started my first band .I played in a shit load of bands, metal ,hardrock ,punk ,cover shit till I was 24, then I moved to Montreal to find some ASSHOLES like me to play music with .I did find those ASSHOLES (NEW WORLD PSYCHOS 1994 - 1998 , DEADLY PALE 1998 - present day ,XPLICIT NOIZE 2003 - present day ,Retardnation 2007 - present day ,+ more to come).I've been playing drums for 30 fucking years and i'm gonna be playing for at least 100 more so keep on drumming in this fucked up world , your friendly asshole PSYCOPAT.
PsycoPat discography
DEADLY PALE / no name song

Télécharger le fichierpools of blood
Xplicit Noize @ Katacombes(Montreal, Qc)

My Interests


Member Since: 19/04/2007
Band Website: !!!!!!!!! your looking at it SHIT FACE !!!!!!!!!
Band Members: PSYCOPAT drums for /NEW WORLD PSYCHOS 1994-1998

DEADLY PALE 1998-present day

XPLICIT NOIZE 2003-present day

retardnation 2007-present day


Sounds Like:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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