Member Since: 19/04/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Gokcen Dilek Acay,Violin,
Ceylan Ertem-Vocal,
Gökçen Dilek Acay-violin,
Can Omer Uygan-trp,
Murat Copur-Bass,
Sevket Akinci-gtr,
Senol Kucukyildirim-drums & cymbals.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Gökçen Dilek Acay 1983 yilinda istanbul’ da dogdu. 2003 yilinda yildiz teknik uni. Sanat Tasarim Fakültesi Müzik Topluluklari Programinda ögrenime basladi. 2006 yilinda erasmus bursuyla Almanya’da Fraz Liszt yüksek okulunda ögrenimini sürdürdü. Emin Findikoglu’nun ‘Miam Caz Toplulugu ve Stringswille‘ projesinde yer aldi. Ayni zamanda fotograf çalismalarini sürdüren sanatçi 2008 yilinda, finlandiya’ da Underground Photo Gallery’de ilk solo segisini açti.
"""""""""""""""""""""""Ceylan Ertem: Singer,songwriter and student ytu faculty of art and design, sound design; Musicology,Ethnomusicology
Recorded the album animasal with her band Anima in feb. 2006, sony bmg launched the album.
Also plays in band such as "Muzikten Uzak"
"Müzikten Uzak" was founded in autumn 2006. For now the band records songs in a small room in building number 78. (:""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
"""""""""""""""""""""""""Can Ömer UYGAN 1982 Izmir dogdu. 1998 yilinda Anadolu Üniversitesi Konservatuvari Trompet Bölümüne Erden Bilgen'le basladi, 1. Amatör Caz Müzisyenleri Festivali'nde ''Bi-Bap'' ile sahne aldi. 2000 yilinda kurduklari ve halen birlikte oldugu ''Gevende'' ile çesitli yurt içi ve yurt disi festivallerde sahne aldi.''Anadolu Trompet Quartet'' ile ''Kalavrita Brass And Woodwind Course'' Kalavriyta/Yunanistan ' da, ''Uluslararasi 1. Trompet Festivali'nde '' ve Türkiye'nin Çesitli salonlarinda konsreler vermistir. Halen, Erden Bilgen egitiminde I.T.Ü. MIAM da yüksek lisans egitimine devam etmektedir.
"""""""""""""""""""""""Murat Çopur was Born in Afyon, Dinar in 17.03.1977. Moved to Isparta in 1995. Started playing bass guitar in 1996. Played in various bands (Alfa, Koridor, Progressive Siesmic Wave) in Isparta between 1996-1999. Quit his chemistry education to pursue his studies in Yildiz Technical University. Played with Efkan Sesen and a cover band called Timmy between 2000-2002. Joined Anima in 2001. Played with OEM in International Istanbul Jazz Festival in 2004, Berkant Celen Trio in International Istanbul Jazz Festival in 2005 and Yurdal Caglar Trio in International Akbank Jazz Festival in 2006. Worked with Ebru Yazici, Julie Cassiappo and Keisa Brown in 2005. Joined Ayhan Sicimoglu&Latin All Stars Band and Gren in 2006.
""""""""""""""""""""""""Sevket Akinci, 1972’de Izmir’de dogdu. Diplomat bir babanin oglu oldugundan 21 yasina kadar yurtdisinda yasadi. Belçika’da yasarken 12 yasinda kendi basina gitar çalmaya basladi. Lise yillari boyunca çesitli rock gruplariyla çaldi ve kendi sarkilarindan olusan birkaç demo kaydetti. Bu kayitlardan bazilari radyoda yayinlandi. Boston’daki müzik okulu Berklee College of Music lisans programinda 1990-1994 yillari arasinda okudu ve Professional Music bölümünden mezun oldu. 1994 yilinda Ankara’ya yerlesti ve iki sene orada yasadi. Tuna Ötenel, Yahya Dai, Sibel Köse gibi caz müzisyenleriyle çalisti. 1996 yilinda ilk albümü Uçurumda Açan Ada Müzik tarafindan yayinlandi. Akustik gitari esliginde söyledigi 12 parçalik bu albümünde yer alan ‘Sonbahar Kaçagi’ adli sarkisi Roll dergisi tarafindan son 30 yilin en iyi Türkçe parçalari arasinda yer aldi. 1997’de askerligini bitirdikten sonra Istanbul’a yerlesti ve Bilgi Üniversitesi’nin müzik bölümünde hocalik yapti. Burada 3 sene boyunca armoni, solfej ve caz gitar dersleri verdi. Bilgi Üniversitesi’nde çalistigi yillarda Neset Ruacan ve Kamil Özler’le kurulan gitar triosuyla çesitli üniversitelerde ve gece kulüplerinde konserler verdi. Yahya Dai, Emre Tukur, Mümtaz Solmaz, Eylem Pelit ve Cem Aksel’den olusan Lifeline grubunu 2001 yilinda kurdu. Bu grup, 2003’te Ada Müzikten Nova Express ve 2005’te AK Müzikten çikan New Frontier olmak üzere iki albüm çikardi. Lifeline grubu olarak, Sevket Akinci’nin orijinal bestelerinden olusan parçalari dört yil boyunca çesitli kulüplerde ve festivallerde çaldilar. Ambient elektronik müzik grubu olan Mugwump’i 2005 yilinda Korhan Erel’le birlikte kurdu. Audio-visual bir proje olan Mugwump’ta grubun iki üyesinin performanslari ile es zamanli olarak metin okumakta olan bir vokalist bulunmaktadir. Ayrica canli mikslenen görseller beyaz perdeye yansitilmaktadir. Ayni yil kurulan özgür dogaçlama grubu Islak Köpek’in kurucu gitaristi oldu. Grupta Volkan Terzioglu ve Robert Reigle tenor saksofon, Sevket Akinci ve Dirk Stromberg gitar, Volkan Ergen perküsyon ve Korhan Erel bilgisayar çalmaktadir. Albüm hazirligi içersinde olan bu grup ve Mugwump, avantgarde tiyatrocularin açtigi Galata Perform adli sanat merkezinde 1,5 senedir düzenli olarak konserler vermektedir. Sevket Akinci burada bahsedilenlerin disinda da çok sayida çesitli yan projelerin içinde bulundu. Bu yan projelerin bazilari tanitim ve kisa film müzikleri olmustur. Ayrica lise yillarindan bu yana siir ve öyküler yazmaktadir.
"""""""""""""""""""""""Senol Kucukyildirim was born in Istanbul, Turkey. He studied at Istanbul University and at Istanbul conservatory where he studied violin. Since his entire family were musicians, and his father was a drummer, he picked up drumming at a very early age. Eversince, he has been involved with many live performances in Turkey, Canada and in the USA. Meeting Don Cherry in Istanbul was very influential on him in terms of getting involved with other aspects of Jazz. This very incidental meeting with Cherry also influenced his decision to move to the United States where he continiued his studies; He went to Berklee College of Music and studied privately with Ian Froman, Joe Hunt, Jamey Haddad (percussion), Giovanni Hidalgo (percussion). He had a few lessons with Ed Blackwell and Alan Dawson.
Inspired by its Third Stream Department , he went to New England Conservatory. Studied with George Russel ve Joe Maneri. He got involved with electronic music at Harvard University, where he had the opportunity meet and perform with Ivan Tcherepnin and John Cage.
As a Jazz musician he played with Burn Nix, Cecil Taylor and Raphe Malik in NYC. He has met with Billy Higgins, Dewey Redman, Dave Liebman, and participated in some sessions. In the Boston area, he played with Aydin Esen, Joshua Redman, John Lockwood , Winton Marsalis, Reggie Workman, Avishai Cohen(Trumpet), Raqib Hassan, Joe Morris, Nate McBride, Michael Adkins, Jim Hobbes, Timo Shenko, Eric Zinman and many others.
Senol kucukyildirim now reides in Istanbul, travels in the Boston-NYC-Canada-Istanbul areas and performs in festivals, and radio programs.
Influences: In 1783 an Icelandic eruption threw up enough dust to temporarily block out the sun over Europe::
About 20 to 30 volcanoes erupt each year, mostly under the sea::
A huge underground river runs underneath the Nile, with six times more water than the river above::
Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana formed in a hollow made by a meteorite::
Beaver Lake, in Yellowstone Park, USA, was artificially created by beaver damming;;
Off the coast of Florida there is an underwater hotel. Guests have to dive to the entrance::
Venice in Italy is built on 118 sea islets joined by 400 bridges. It is gradually sinking into the water::
The Ancient Egyptians worshipped a sky goddess called Nut::
The world's windiest place is Commonwealth Bay, Antartica.
In 1934, a gust of wind reached 371 km/h on Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA::
American Roy Sullivan has been struck by lighting a record seven times::
The desert baobab tree can store up to 1000 litres of water in its trunk::
The oldest living tree is a California bristlecone pine name 'Methuselah'. It is about 4600 years old. The largest tree in the world is a giant sequoia growing in California. It is 84 meters tall and measures 29 meters round the trunk. The fastest growing tree is the eucalyptus. It can grow 10 meters a year::
The Antartic notothenia fish has a protein in its blood that acts like antifreeze and stops the fish freezing in icy sea::
The USA uses 29% of the world's petrol and 33% of the world's electricity::
The industrial complex of Cubatao in Brazil is known as the Valley of Death because its pollution has destroyed the trees and rivers nearby::
Tibet is the highest country in the world. Its average height above sea level is 4500 meters::
Some of the oldest mountains in the world are the Highlands in Scotland. They are estimated to be about 400 million years old::
Fresh water from the River Amazon can be found up to 180 km out to sea::
The White Sea, in Russia, has the lowest temperature, only -2 degrees centigrade. The Persian Gulf is the warmest sea. In the summer its temperature reaches 35.6 degrees centigrade::
There is no land at all at the North Pole, only ice on top of sea. The Arctic Ocean has about 12 million sq km of floating ice and has the coldest winter temperature of -34 degrees centigrade::
The Antarctic ice sheet is 3-4 km thick, covers 13 million sq km and has temperatures as low as -70 degrees centigrade::
Over 4 million cars in Brazil are now running on gasohol instead of petrol. Gasohol is a fuel made from sugar cane::
Sounds Like: it.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned