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About Me

I'm not special...I'm just weird. I'm pansexual and if you don't know what that means I'll use one of my favorite explainations...It's loving a man a woman and everything in between...sere now wasn't that simple. I usually don't mind most people until they end up being complete idiots and even then I usually play along(except in the case of hicks cause they're all morons). Being stuck in the "cornfield wasteland of america" has made me loose hope in finding "normal" people such as myself, but never the less I still keep a watchful eye on newcomers to be turned. I have many religious theries mostly including Martha Stewart and a "PopTart" and Jell-o, lots of Jell-o. I like to be myself most of the time(except when I'm being my annoying, crazy, bitch self then I just wish someone would smack me) but usually people turn me into their "little mind puppet".yay for "mind-puppets"!!!!!

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