In the spring of '07, two goats: Billy, and Tommy met up and found a common language... baaaaaahhh'd music. For the next year and a half they would regularly meet up and just play, with no attachments. There were times when it sounded like a militant flash of explosives. But, no rabbits were scared. Sometimes it was a massive tidal force of creepy alpha waves. Other times it was peaceful, and cozy like a beaver lodge. It always felt just right.
As the days passed, other goats like Ceaser, and Bartlebee would stop in to bleat. Sometimes, there were so many goats, we didn't even know their names! There was so much sound then, and we had a lot of fun, but still there were no songs. Did you know that can't teach a goat a song? Nope, it will just end up climbing a tree or, or maybe eating your trousers.
-Goatskin Burrito Trio