Film & TV Directors, Screenwriters, Producers, Casting Directors, Actors, Musicians, Comedians.
Goals for 2009: This is the year I'm gonna get organized!
Things I wish I'd invented: The coffee cup sleeve, Wetnap moist towelettes; have a penny give a penny, need a penny take a penny.
Things I love: Being a working Actor, Mittens, Lester, Dudley, Junior cat, Misfit, mom and dad, relatives and friends, my hamster "Pudgy," turtles and goldfish from the old house back in the day; scotch tape (clear not frosted), bottled water, my computer, coffee, hollandaise sauce, batteries, battery tester, traveling on amtrak, how hip the United States Postal Service has become, Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue & calendar, Hooters restaurant, Victoria's Secret catalog. :)
Things I regret: Losing my patience, wishing I'd appreciated and respected my pets more (I now reside in a "no pets" condo), forced to give Junior away due to neighbor complaint about her clawing their screen doors, Misfit being attacked by the neighbors rottweilers.
Fears: Becoming obsolete.
Bummers: Pens that don't write unless you scribble on a piece of scratch paper first, bad and/or no customer service, my stubby fingers always hitting the wrong key, forgetting names, long lines, bullsh*t artists, scam artists, fake charities, wet socks, 70 mph tail gaiters, holding the door open for the person coming out of the deli and then getting totally screwed when twelve other people walk in and now I'm behind them in line during lunch rush, not being able to hear or converse in loud environs, girls who kiss you and are all over you at a party and then the next day telling you they were just drunk. :(