My boyFriend is my inspiration. He alwaYs makes me smile, when I fEel Like Shit... Or when i'm bein' ShittY. I want to be a better person than i waS the Day beforE BecAuse of him. He's amAzing. ♥ I'm Gay. I ♥ beiNg a Homo! :) ♥ One Thing to know aboUt mE is ThaT i'm A real gOod persoN, i dont fuck around and i dont like to play gamEs. ♥ but...I LuV 2 plaY my GameBoY. PokEmon is the Shit. I can Dance for HouRs, it makes me happy and so SweatY!!!. ♥ I'm a loNe wolF. I donT maKe REAL friends too ofteN. I'm even Worse At keePing them. ♥ I'm the kIng Of lotioN. Head to Toe, My skin is sofTer than youRs. I like to dO my haiR & sTeal my Dad's ColOgnE. Primp'N ain'T EaZy! ♥ When i Get a day Off I like to just be aloNe. My idea of Whats Fun doesnt usuAllY involve anyboDy but me. I love to DraW and Bake. Going 4 loNg runS. ReadinG. ♥ ~Courage Does'nt alwaYS roaR. Sometimes Courage is that littlE voiCe at the end of the DaY thats SayS: "I will Try again tomorrow."~ I AlwaYs do my Best to Keep Courage in my HeaRt And to noT be afrAid of anYthing. I am a Mightier persoN than you Think I am. I aDmiRe PeoplE with muCh couRaGE.
The youNg and BeautiFul creATures oF the NIghT. MonSTErs.I've already met him. <♥>
I LiKe!!!!-Gold Frapp, Ladytron, Dashboard Confessional, Kylie Minogue, Destinys Child, Gwen Stefani, The Supremes, The Yeah! Yeah! Yeahs!, Fleetwood Mac, Allan Jackson, Blondie, Fergie, Madonna, Scissor Sisters, Dolly Parton, Young Joc, The Pussycat Dolls, Diddy, Amy Winehouse, Journey, Paris Hilton... AnyThinG i CAn shakE my tits tO ;P!!!
"Gia"- "The Color Purple"- "Giant"- "Monster"- "Closer"- "28 Days Later" & "28 Weeks Later"- Nasty Porno!!!- Tyler Perry's "Madea" Series. :P
I never miss an episode of "Americas Next Top Model", "Heroes", "The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency". Everybody needs to watch "Planet Earth" and "Taboo" on Discovery. I <♥> to watch cartoons!
"Memoirs of a Geisha" by Arthur Golden-
"Thing of Beauty" by Stephen Fried-
"No Lifeguard on Duty" by Janice Dickinson-
"The Color Purple" by Alice Walker-
The entire "Alias" and "The Pulse" by Brian Michel Bendis
JessiCa JonEs is my Favorite Hero ever!!!
ComiCs i loVE to REAd arE:
New & Mighty Avengers
Ms. Marvel
AmaZing Spider-MaN
X-men(UncANNy+Astonishing too!)
Captain AmericA
AvenGers:The iniTiatiVe
amErican VirGin
New Warriors..