ShO sUm Luv =] THaNx YEAH
.. " alt="right here iz mi bestess mel i luvs her so much shez the tightest person u'll eva meet besides she alwayz finds a way 2 make me =]
.. " alt="billy man this iz mi boi/cuzo nd etc....weve been bestfrendz since freshmen yr. u kno i hav kno prob sayin i got luv 4 thiz boi witout sayin
.. " alt="Rj man me nd kid hav grown up since like diperz but u kno we koo ppl....we closer than wat it seemz but u ko me nd him party like the rocstarz we r....nd he real laid back jus like me" id="6" ..="removeimage(6)" border="0" /
.. " alt="mar mar....marcie shez a real koo person nd knos how 2 hav fun!!! weve known 1 anotha since like middle skoo but we real koo even though me nd her fight like all the damn time i still gotz love 4 her like a lil sis but ey wat r big bro 4...." id="7" ..="removeimage(7)" border="0" /
.. " alt=" much 2 say about this gurl its crazy but gurl got wheelz wen it comez 2 track nd thats how we met also she knos how 2 hook a nigga up wit the braidz 2 lol but other than that i can talk 2 this gurl about stuff i wouldnt wit ne-otha female nd i think thats why we so close...but i wish her the best nd im happy she came back 4rm LA" id="8" ..="removeimage(8)" border="0" /
.. " alt="man cuzo right here...sherina...weve had alot of bad timez but we closer than eva now man i guess u can say we matured nd grown up 2gether this iz mi lil sis i hav her back no matter wat nd shez koo jus cuz shez related 2 me lol!!!! but mad love kid" id="9" ..="removeimage(9)" border="0" /
.. " alt="crystar mi this gurl she loves 2 hav fun nd knos how 2 man weve partied 2gether drank etc... i guess thats how we got so close so if any1 says all that iz bad u kno it does hav a good side sometimes look @ me nd her lol...." id="10" ..="removeimage(10)" border="0" /
.. " alt="asia...thiz kid right here iz mi bestfrend man weve known eachother the longest nd she cant b replaced i hav mad love 4 her!!!! seein her grow up since like elementary iz crazy but u kno its a part of life much luv kid" id="11" ..="removeimage(11)" border="0" /
Pictures in a Scroll BoxStacy Dash iz da finest thin this iz mi wife
if any gurl looks ne-thin like her shed b mi wife.....witout questions comments nor concerns....!!!
this right here iz a gurl named ash....
much luv kid
L!L WaYnE: PrAy 2dA Da LoRd