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- Jen -

Smiling is our first act of love... -M. Theresa

About Me

"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." -Mother Teresa
I only keep the friends on myspace who will talk to me, if not, then they are just a waste of friendspace. Soy una chicana en mi corazon, even if I am of Italian heritage. I love other cultures. I love to read, especially about saints and especially anything by St. Teresa de Avila. I'm oober Catholic, in case you couldn't tell.
I keep myself too busy, so I never sleep (but who does anymore, besides, sleep is over rated). I coordinate Blood Drives at my school; I have raised 409 units of blood to date! I am a Lieutenant Governor (I know, awesome title right?), for Key Club International. Key Club is all about service, just like me, so check it out at keyclub.org!
I don't know what else to say about me, there is so much to life, so write me and find out about it!
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Jennifer the Charitable of Divine Intervention
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title
Layout made by mysteriouscris at CreateBlog.com .

My Interests

^--Cool people,
Foreign Language,
Blood Drives.

I'd like to meet:

Living: I'd LOVE to meet Pope Benedict XVI or any of the Cardinals (NOT the football team, the priests in red). I also really want to meet some of the people who influenced my parents to be who they are today. Also everyone on my "Heros" list.

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The photo of Jesus with outstreched arms was taken at Loyola in Chicago, Mary and Crucifix were in Escorial in Spain.


I like almost every kind of music, with exception to very few genres. My favorite type of music is Spanish. The guitars and drums drive me crazy and just make me want to dance. Mis canciones favoritas son "El Mojado" por Ricardo Arjona, "La Historia de Juan" por Juanes, y "Lo Que Paso" por Daddy Yankee.

English music: "Prayer of the Refugee" by Rise Against, “My December" by Linkin Park, “Beautiful Love” by The Afters, and whatever station doesn’t have commercials on the radio.

As for classics: Glen Miller was a musical genius, as was Bing Crosby, and Gregorian Chants; I just can't get enough of those monks. And how can I forget the classical stylings of CSHS Honors Chior... España!
If you have the means, I highly suggest going to Spain.


SOUND OF MUSIC all the way, but who can resist a classic Julie Andrews movie! I also like (in no particular order):
The Bells of St. Mary's as far as old movies go, but Bing Crosby makes any movie wonderful.
Sweet Home Alabama.
Sister Act.
Sister Act II.
Mother Theresa.
Wedding Singer.
Italian Job.
Bill and Ted's Most Excellent Adventure.
Phantom, but I just love Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Merchant of Venice.
Pirates of the Caribbean.
St. Ralph.
Miracle on Maldando.
Lion King.
The Holiday... BOSTON


Plato discribes those that only see images patterened from real things are twice removed from them. The images one seeks should be encountered themselves, and that is how reality is found. This was the scene I encountered after it SNOWED at my house on March 11,06. In my opinion, this beats television any day.


Biographies are my favorite genre, espically of the saints. If you find any really good books that I should read, just comment and let me know! I'm always eager to read a good book!
The following are brief reviews about the lastest (or favorite) books that I've read without the influence of school.
The Perfect Joy of St. Francis by Felix Timmermans was nothing short of amazing. It is now one of my favorite pieces of literature EVER, and deserves be read by all.
The play Agnes of God by John Pielmeier was VERY well written and the power of that piece is amazing.
Transformed by Love by Shirley Darcus Sullivan discuses the nature of the soul in a beautiful way with some imput from St. Teresa of Avila, Mother Aloysius, and Bl. Elizabeth o/t Trinity (Sr. Phuong recomended it to me).
I loved reading Galileo's Daughter by Dava Sobel, (recomendation of Sra. Fowler) it is a charming story and has to be my second favorite biography (second only to Perfect Joy).
One Hundred Years of Soltitude by Gabriel García Márquez (also recomended by Sra. Fowler) was a great book that depicts the Mexican culture at the turn of the 20th century, however, it was a little long. For the same cultural taste, you may want to read the shorter book, Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, instead.
Teresa de Avila's Interior Mansions has incredible stuff about the soul.
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse and Life of Pi by Yann Martel - both detail Eastern (mainly Indian) religious ideas.
The Giver by Lois Lowry.
Father Joe by Tony Hendra.


Mary and all the saints (especially Philomena Teresa de Avila Both photos from a mosque/chapel in Córdoba, España)and Michael the Archangel (Photo taken at his castle in Rome).
Pope John Paul II.
Mother Theresa of Calcutta.
Sister Phuong.
And of course, mis padres. This amazing picture of PJPII was taken Easter morning 2005. Sorry that it's really zoomed out, this was as close as I could get among the thousands of people.

Here are some humorous pictures of my fellow Catholics...
(btw, the nuns are actually on stools)

My Blog

Llama de amor Viva - Living Flame of Love

This is a beautiful poem by St. John of the Cross.  Naturally, it sounds better in its own language; but I'll post it in English for all of you Philistines out there.   ::::::::::::::::::::...
Posted by - Jen - on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:54:00 PST

¡Mother Theresa of Calcutta Quotations!

Here are more quotations.  All are from Mother Theresa of Calcutta, but she was just that good; so why not. "If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one." "Be faithful in sm...
Posted by - Jen - on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:04:00 PST

Ode to 18

18 is an awkward number.  Why does it mean so much, and who set 18 as the number of maturity?  There's nothing special about it, yet it somehow has power.  Well, no matter how the numb...
Posted by - Jen - on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:55:00 PST

R.I.P. Meggie

The holiday season is a joyful time in which family comes together and celebrates according to whatever faith. Old traditions are practiced and new ones are tested and begun.  The world seems to ...
Posted by - Jen - on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 11:47:00 PST

Día de los Muertos

I find the holidays surrounding Oct. 31st - Nov. 2nd so fascinating because of all their history and tradition.  I thought I'd share what I know about all of the festivities around this time.&nbs...
Posted by - Jen - on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 01:11:00 PST

My Favorite Quotes

I love quotes and there are so many, I can't choose, but here are some starters.  They are mainly religious, though not all, and many of them come from Mother Theresa. Remember everything&n...
Posted by - Jen - on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 11:24:00 PST

National Anthem

After coming back from Boston I have become even more patriotic.  So in honor of Independence Day, here are all four verses of our national anthem.  I hope you appreciate it! Oh! say, can yo...
Posted by - Jen - on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 07:47:00 PST

You know you're in Key Club if...

You Know You're A Key Club Junkie When:You get excited when you drive by a Kiwanis signYou have already decided you'll be a Circle K member and then a KiwanianYou have worn a Key Club tattoo for more ...
Posted by - Jen - on Sun, 07 May 2006 11:29:00 PST

Fellowship of the Unashamed

This was given to me on the Spring 2006 LifeTeen retreat.  I was just going through some old papers and found it, I thought I would share it with you all. "My Commiment as a Christian" - Written ...
Posted by - Jen - on Wed, 03 May 2006 07:22:00 PST