Mike profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

- I hate glitter.
- Tinnitus?
_ I can't sleep with socks on.
_ I have an issue with onions.
_ I have an issue with fleece-type fabrics.
_ I am big on carpooling and recycling.
- I need to know where my chapstick is, at all times.
- My wisdom teeth need to come out.. like now..
- When I eat, my moustache gets in my mouth.

My Interests

Skateboarding, Cinematography, Computer Graphics, Photography, Drawing, Painting, Traveling, Thinking, Making To-Do Lists, Learning, Getting psyched on the littlest things, Getting bummed on the littlest things, Hills, Having Fun, Partying, eMac, iPod, iPod Shuffle, MJ-3 High's & Low's, Howard Selects, Sushi, Green Tea, Chai Tea, Water, Wheat Grass, PB&J, Good Health, Being Clean, Getting Awesome, Nice Beanies, New Socks, New Underwear, Plain colored t-shirts, Lurking, Drinking Wine, Thrift Stores, Being way too Organized, Being Productive, Russ, Lady, Gary, Gizmo, Jackson, Not biting my nails, Being Gullable, Baby Wipes, Weird Bearding, Interesting Hats, My tape player, Having my friends steal me coasters from restaurants, Blueprint videos, The feeling of owning Blind Video Days, Old stuff, Searching for the perfect pair of Brown Chinos, Pangaea, The Minds of Alex Seel and Chris Redden, Mesh Skatepark, The rise and fall of gas prices on Long Island, Making people laugh at work, Throwing down the "nest" in any unsanitary/foreign bathroom, Trying to figure out why kids hate on certain things, eBay, Coming up with ideas for stickers and good t-shirts, Mata's Ramp, Crabs, Bats, Slideshows, Liking bands and then not liking them because everyone else does, Finding good clothes in my closet that I haven't worn in a while, Stickers!!, The stack of boards under my bed, Getting pumped about having days off from work..therefore I go skateboarding, Pathetic Beards, Hating the Rain, Liking the Rain, 30min Conversations with people I haven't talked to in a long time, Concrete that makes my wheels white, Radio80's on my iTunes, Working with concrete, Needing more time in the day, Super 8 film here and there, Debt, Laughing while capturing funny footage, Terrible movies, String Cheese & Babybel Cheese, Good Halloween Costumes, Bicycle, Unicorn, Ashy Larry, Waiting for UPS to come, Old Lady & Aviator Sunglasses, Envisioning events to come, The never ending search for terrain, Nature, Making good eye contact, Glorious occasions & Other social functions, Change, Trying to catch up on my Spanish, Maspeth Ave., Trying to step my cooking game up, Polaroid pictures, Folding T-shirts, Stretching, Tiger Balm, HotKeyz, Naps at work, Sarcasm, Seriousness, Tetris, Mail, Burts Bees Chap Stick, Nice Markers and Pens, Muscle Spasms, Thunder & Lightning, Snacks, Bunnies, Vitamins & Minerals, Heating Pads, Flannels, Epicness, Reunions, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, Industrial Areas, Alone time, Spacing out, Thoughts on Pen & Paper & Thoughts put into action.


Lately.. Flock of Seagulls, The Cry and Q Lazzarus.


Back to the Future I, II, and III.


TLC, Discovery Channel, CNN, A&E or the History Channel.


What's your poo telling you?



My Blog

Polaroid Blog - 10

Here are some randoms that were taken within the last month or so..Enjoy."Timeline""Rolled Wires"This was our crew on Saturday of Easter weekend. All different people from different crews on this day....
Posted by Mike on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:24:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 9

It’s been quite some time.. No apologies for lack of updates, i’m gonna be straight up, i’ve just been super busy/lazy lately.. if that makes any sense? I dunno.. Anyways, here is Po...
Posted by Mike on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 8

Blog 8. These are some photos from a Sunday exploration I took with Pangaeaman a few weeks ago and a recent portrait of my buddy Juan from work. I've had them sitting around for a few weeks/days and a...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 07:32:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 7

Blog 7. These are some photos from my recent trip to Florida to visit some of the Mesh Skatepark homies. I'm pretty sure on my last Florida excursion, I took the same amount of photos, just a little s...
Posted by Mike on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:07:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 6

Blog 6. This was an exploration within color/experiment with some color. I am still trying to figure out how accurate/not accurate some colors are with using the Polaroid camera. These photos were sho...
Posted by Mike on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 05:04:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 5

Blog 5. Here are some photos I shot while at Pheo's crib a few weeks back. Portrait shots of the homies are always fun. Tony already had his lights set up and shooting photos for the Hazel site so, I ...
Posted by Mike on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 09:08:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 4

Blog 4. Here are 2 photos I took on Saturday and a portrait I shot of Paul on Sunday. The 2 photos from Saturday are text-based, I thought it was pretty funny to stumble across these sayings or graffi...
Posted by Mike on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 07:45:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 3

Blog 3. Here are some photos that I took about a week ago.. These photos are all full bleed and intentionally cropped. I was experimenting with either getting up close or shooting from far away to sh...
Posted by Mike on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 07:30:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 2

Here's Blog 2. These are some photos I have shot over the past year. Some are pretty recent and some have been in the archives for a while now. Enjoy.Another update soon.....
Posted by Mike on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 07:44:00 PST

Polaroid Blog - 1

For some odd reason, MySpace won't let me upload my photos into a new album. Weird, huh? So, with the help of Photobucket and my polaroid camera, I am beginning to make blogs out of recent polaroid ph...
Posted by Mike on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 03:31:00 PST