crescent profile picture


Love me tender, Love me true

About Me

~*~About Me~*~
Name: cRescent
Birthday: October 10, 1985
Birthplace: Japan
Current Location: Tokyo, Japan
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: frequently
Height: 5'4
riGhty or LefTy: righty!!
WeaKnessess: myself!
FearS: ghosts..bugs..
StrengThs: hmmmm......
Most Overused phRase: duh?
yoUr Best physical fEatuRe: my face?
MosT miSseD MeMoRy: October 10,2005
dO yOu/haVe you...??
sMOke: nah..
siNg: a lot!
shoWer daiLy: sure..
beEn iN loVe: yep!
Want to Go to College: yeah..
play aN InStrumEnt: yeah..piano and guitar..
gEt aLonG wit yEr pAreNts: oftentimes..
liKe ThuNdersTorms: nooooo!!
bELiEvE in yErSeLf: not that much..
eAteN a Box Of OreOs: nope..too much for me..hehe..
EvEr bEen dRunk: nope..
hOw do yOu waNt to Die: saving a loved one..
What dO yoU wAnt tO bE whEn yOU grow uP: a singer!
In A bOy/gIrL:
FavOuritE Eye CoLor: brown..
FavOuritE hAir cOlOr: brown or black..
Short or LonG haIr: anything goes..
HeighT: at least an inch higher than me..
weiGht: ummmm.....
cLothing StyLe: i dont care much about
Number of Piercings: me? 9
Number of Tattoos: none..eww!
Number of things in my Past I Regret: only one!
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My Interests

i LOVE singing! and im into dancing,too!! really!

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet a lot of friends so please feel free to add me!
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my Little brother!!