Mountain Biking - Just started this sport when I moved to Vegas. Real mountains out here! Nice!! SkyDiving (Done it once and I can't wait to do it again!). Paintball, Jogging, Tennis, trying to find more things to do in Vegas but I haven't met the right people yet.. Sucks starting fresh in a new city without knowing anyone.
A lot of But I like just about anything. Even the noise the "Blue Man Group" come up with when they beat on PVC pipes.
Blackhawk Down.
TV is a waste of resources, except for when Lost comes on.. And sometimes Southpark.. Football is pretty cool too.
Leonidas! King of Sparta! 480b.c. Go read "Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield, then come back and tell me of a better hero.Molon Labe! (mo-lone lah-veh)